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It joins a series of articles in that issie of Tikkun that are a kind of anthology of eco-theologies in various traditions: Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Christianity, and several strands of spiritually open secular thought. Rabbi Seidenberg's book and my article a distillation of much of my own eco-theology present two new theologies, both rooted in Torah, looking at different aspects of Torah yet both reframing the relation of God to Earth and human earthlings. He brilliantly shows that many Kabbalists extended the sense of the Image not only to the human species but to the universe as a whole and therefore all the beings within it. And he wonderfully explores the implications of this finding — intellectual, spiritual, scientific. Whereas the Image of God that draws David comes from the first Creation story, I focus on a crucial thread of Torah starting from the second Creation story --— adam birthed from adamah, and YHWH breathing life into the newborn human species as a midwife breathes life into the newborn human individual. I am delighted that both these new Jewish theologies are emerging in response to the planetary crisis we are in.

Advise: The Clerks Tale (With Elements Of Religious Allegory?

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The Clerks Tale (With Elements Of Religious Allegory?.

The catch was that the artwork had to be in black and white.

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With my having worked primarily in paper collage, black and white was not exactly my first language, artistically speaking. Then I set about to figure out what kind of black and white medium I could manage. I tried doing collages in black and white, but made little headway. After several other experiments, I picked up a piece of charcoal. And fell in love.

The Clerks Tale (With Elements Of Religious Allegory?

Beginning to work with charcoal was like learning a new language, with the delights and challenges that come in such a process of discovery. Most of my early sketches were a mess.


On the verge of calling the editor to do an embarrassing backing-out dance an source jig that I try hard to avoidI instead called my artist friend Peg to ask if she could either collaborate with me or counsel me on the project.

To my eye they were mostly bad and ugly.

The Clerks Tale (With Elements Of Religious Allegory?

But Peg took the smudgy, ashy papers, spread them out, and pondered them. In a fashion that struck me as being something like lectio divina, she followed their tangled lines until she to perceive something that had the beginnings of coherence and form. Moving through what I had perceived as chaos, Peg showed me what she saw, and she offered suggestions on how to pursue and develop the path that had been obscure to me. Not only did this help make it possible to complete the project, but it also began to open creative doors within and beyond me in ways I never would have imagined.

In large part, what I came to love about working in charcoal was the dramatic contrast it offered to my colorful, often intricate collage work. Where collage involves a process of accumulation and addition as the papers are layered together, charcoal invites me to an opposite experience.

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When I do a charcoal drawing, my goal is to find the fewest number of lines necessary to convey the scene. It is a medium of subtraction, involving little more than a piece of blank paper, a stick of charcoal, and an eraser to smudge and then smooth away all that is extraneous.

The Clerks Tale (With Elements Of Religious Allegory?

What on the page—the dark, ashen lines—is spare, stark, sufficient. For every artist, one of the most crucial habits to develop is staying open to what shows up. In the process of cultivating a unique vision, with all the consuming focus that involves, we have to learn, at the same time, how to keep an eye open for the creative surprises and invitations that can lead us to new pathways or deepen existing ones.

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Cllerks If I stay Religiuos attached to a favorite medium or familiar technique, I risk shutting myself off to possibilities that can take me to whole new places in my work and in my own soul. Taking up a new medium, entering a different The Clerks Tale (With Elements Of Religious Allegory? of working, diving or tiptoeing into a new approach: all this can be complex, unsettling, disorienting, discombobulating.

Launching into the unknown and untried confronts us with what is undeveloped within us. It compels us to see where we are not adept, where we lack skill, where we possess little gracefulness. Yet what may seem like inadequacy—as I felt in my early attempts with charcoal—becomes fantastic fodder for the creative process, and for life. Allowing ourselves to be present to the messiness provides an amazing way to sort through what is essential and to clear a path through the chaos. To borrow the words of the writer of the Psalm 51, the psalm for Ash Wednesday, it creates a clean heart within us.]

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