Thomsons Arguments Against Abortion - Custom Academic Help

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The Debate Over Abortion Essay Words 9 Pages With the ongoing debate and the advancement of technology in determining the viability of a fetus, abortion, the ending of a pregnancy by removing a fertilized egg, has become increasingly controversial. The morality of abortion has caused many to separate into opposite sides of the spectrum, pro-life and pro-choice. Women of all different races, classes, and religions have been practicing abortion since before the colonial era in America. The laws pertaining to abortion have changed many times, adding and removing discrepancies and stipulations throughout many years, and still to this day. The views of abortion in society during different time periods have also changed and The Ethical Justification Of Abortion Essay Words 5 Pages Introduction Ethical justification of abortion is a controversial subject consisting of numerous significant theories that have been presented based on studies and researches. Thomsons Arguments Against Abortion Thomsons Arguments Against Abortion Thomsons Arguments Against Abortion

Abortion Morality of Abortion For Abortion utilitarian : Anything having a net output of benefits with consideration of everyone is morally permissible. An abortion is a procedure to end a Thimsons and the procedure is performed by a licensed health care professional. There is about 1 death perlegal abortions and the risk of complications from the abortions are rare, about less than 0.

Thomsons Arguments Against Abortion

In conclusion, since the legal abortions are performed by a professional and the benefits outweigh the costs, abortion is morally permissible. Against Abortion kantian : Killing an innocent human life form is wrong. The fetus is Agajnst innocent human life form, therefore it is wrong to abort the fetus.

Thomsons Arguments Against Abortion

The federal law dictates that states cover abortions under Medicaid under cases of rape, Thomsons Arguments Against Abortion, or life endangermenbut having wider access to contraception would be a better solution to the problem of abortion and enable private companies to take on the burden of the costs. We cannot focus on consciousness or rationality as a definition of a person because it has the fallacy of being too narrow of a definition since a erson in Aainst coma is still considered a human being. Works Cited Gensler, Harry J. National Library of Medicine US. Kaiser Family Foundation.

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The Kaiser Family Foundation, June Reproductive Health Technologies Project, n. Christian, Brugger E. Vaughn, Lewis. New York: W. Norton ;, Marquis, Don.]

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