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The Supreme Court of New Jersey. Argued December 10, Decided July 2, Jacobs, Jr. Bruso, on the brief. Michael R. Ciancia, Assistant Attorney General, of counsel. The issue on this appeal concerns the constitutionality of N. That amendment prohibits virtually all state officers and employees, including full-time members of the judiciary and their immediate families, from employment with casinos. Barsky And Conflict Summary Barsky And Conflict Summary

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How to cite How to cite. Galea Wismayer, M. Bone Joint Infect. It is characterized by abnormal overgrowth of mesenchymal structures in a limb, often within a specific sclerotomal distribution Prabhu et al.

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It is usually unilateral and diagnosed at birth. Clinically, the affected region grows disproportionately larger in length and girth compared to the rest of the extremity and usually stops at skeletal maturity Prabhu et al. Pathologically, it is characterized by hyperproliferation of adipose tissue, interlaced with a fibrous network Prabhu et al. ML has been classified into two subtypes depending on the pattern of growth Barsky, : Barsky And Conflict Summary the progressive type, the affected region grows at a faster rate compared to the rest of the limb, whereas in the static type, which is more common, there is the same rate of growth for the affected and non-affected areas Prabhu et al. Patients usually have major cosmetic concerns and can find the large, heavy limb functionally challenging.

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Function may also be impaired due to early joint degenerative changes or neurovascular compromise Prabhu et al. He had a history of soft tissue debulking 30 years prior to presentation which was complicated by postoperative haematoma formation needing surgical drainage. After this surgery, his leg healed well.

Barsky And Conflict Summary

There were no concerns about infection at that time and he had no sinus drainage. He returned to his previous mobility and had no problems with the leg for over 20 years. He recalled sustaining blunt trauma to the front of his left leg a number of years prior to presentation. This was a minor injury but was complicated by a cellulitic reaction in the skin. This persisted for a few weeks and then settled completely. Again, he had no skin breakdown or sinus formation related Barsky And Conflict Summary this injury.

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Figure 1The left leg has the typical features of macrodystrophia lipomatosa, affecting the whole limb and hemipelvis a. The patient presented with two draining sinuses in an area of indurated skin b.

Barsky And Conflict Summary

He was several times over the following years by his local surgeons, with mobility issues due to the large bulk of his leg. He then presented with pain and new spontaneous sinus formation, without any new injury or other infection. It was assumed that he must have haematogenous osteomyelitis of the tibia or fibula. Treatment options were discussed.

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It was decided that resection of infected bone from the tibia or fibula would be possible but that closure of the wound in this very large leg would be problematic. Amputation was also considered. He was reviewed by Suummary plastic surgeon who concluded that amputation would not be possible as the gigantism extended to source the hip joint and would require a very major reconstruction Barsky And Conflict Summary close the residual stump Fig. Prosthetic fitting would be challenging.]

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