Sarah Parcak: A Short Story - Custom Academic Help

Sarah Parcak: A Short Story - consider, that

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Sarah stood there with her face pressed up against the window screaming for her son. The nurses were frantically trying to sedate her and remove Charles from the room.

Sarah Parcak: A Short Story

The sun was shinning through the church windows illuminating the alter as Sarah and her father's arms were looped while they each took a step in since towards Charles nervous stance. Beside him stood his brother Eric with the ring in his pocket. Ahead of Sarah her sister Maria strolled down the aisle like a pro. The pews were filled with family and friends adorned in their best suits and flowing gowns. Just as she was inches away from the alter Sohrt the pastor about to ask who gives this woman the sun rays were directly upon her.


Charles reached his hand out to take hers, chills ran through her entire body. She turned to find her mothers eyes, hers locked with Sarah's.

Sarah Parcak: A Short Story

Unspoken emotions shouted filled the room and caused a gasp from all pews. During the reception just after the traditional father daughter dance Sarah asked for a chair for her parents to sit and with tears in her eyes she read from a loose leaf paper she hand printed.


Her intent was not to cause the ladies attending makeup to ruin or the men to choke on their drink, she simply wanted to honor the two most important people in her life as she aPrcak: her life separate from theirs. Sarah and Charles started dating while still in middle school. At such a young age their dating consisted of meeting up with other neighborhood kids to go for a bike ride, play stick ball, shoot hoopslaughing about an event that took place that Sarah Parcak: A Short Story in school or simply fill in one another of what happened that day in school. the weather was not cooperating or they just wanted to be still they would hang around on Sarah's stoop.

Sarah Parcak: A Short Story

Here parents knew most of the kids by name through their parents. Sarah's mother seemed to have an unlimited supply of snacks, her father always needed a hand with something in Ssrah around the house. The older Sarah and Charles grew the group of kids lessened. Some moved, some paired off and the rest watched as their relationship moved forward.]

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