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American Injustice And Injustice Analysis

American Injustice And Injustice Analysis Video

American Injustice And Injustice Analysis - was

Korea shopkeeper South Korean police say they want to talk to the wife of the Belgian ambassador there, after an incident in which she allegedly slapped a shopkeeper. Footage from a security camera emerged online this week from a clothing store. It shows a woman slapping a shopkeeper who had tried to stop her from approaching another worker. They had suspected she was trying to leave the shop with an item of clothing she had not paid for. Police who were dispatched at scene identified her as Xiang Xueqiu, the wife of the Belgian ambassador, according to an officer at the local police station. American Injustice And Injustice Analysis

This was chosen as the Best comment at Powerline which seems to sum it up. So much for due process in America.

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The judge allows selection of a biased jury. The biased jury operates in a Injustide atmosphere, knowing that the city will burn and the jurors will be in danger if they vote not guilty. The State is allowed to use a pro bono army of lawyers against a single defense counsel.

American Injustice And Injustice Analysis

The media poisons the jury pool. The President and Congresspersons stridently seek a guilty plea to further poison the jury.

American Injustice And Injustice Analysis

The defendant is found guilty of felony murder even though he was not committing any felony felony murder is when someone is killed in the course of an armed robbery, etc. This was as fair as a trial in Mississippi in the s that you see in the movies. And everyone will cheer, and no one will defend due process. American Injustice And Injustice Analysis here we are in America. That the entire political establishment of the United States, from the President on down, continue reading united in agreeing on a conviction of a man who was trying to stop a criminal in the midst of a crime.

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They had just spent months glorifying a protest movement whose core view is that police officers are inherently racist and abusive. He had just become their toy, to be played with and exploited in order to depict the January 6 protest as a murderous orgy carried out by savages so primitive and inhuman that they were willing to fatally bash in the skull of a helpless person or spray them with deadly gases until they choked to death on their own lung fluids. If you support BLM then you necessarily support the routine verbal abuse of police officers as racists akin to the Klan. So it was American Injustice And Injustice Analysis curious that a police officer would suddenly click here the hero of this same group of progressives apart from the politics of doing so. In fact, you may recall people were simultaneously claiming Sicknick was a victim of the mob and that the same Capitol Hill police had treated BLM protesters unfairly.

American Injustice And Injustice Analysis

He was both a victim where needed and a perpetrator.]

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