Restorative Justice Model Video
What is Restorative Justice (RJ)?Restorative Justice Model - regret, that
The State takes the responsibility upon itself to try and punish the offender. The Accused finds a prominent place in the Criminal Justice System when compared to the Victim and are entitled to a fair trial for the determination of their guilt or innocence. Moreover, the State believes that punishing the offender will act as a deterrent in society, and the frequency of occurrence of crimes would decrease. It works on the Hypothesis that the punishment given to the offender is the only thing that a Victim would ever want. Usually, the current system of Litigation takes a huge toll on the Victim. It takes a large amount of time and resources to conclude a case, and that too without the guarantee of correct deliverance of justice. Restorative Justice ModelBoth models have similar principles and values, although they have different strengths, limitations, and stakeholder benefits and risks. Once the offender agrees to participate, the facilitator contacts the direct victim. VOC can also include people the offender or victim wants to have present.

Victim Offender Conferences allow the direct victim and offender a forum to express their feelings, ask questions, and address harm or damages. It also gives the victim a final opportunity after the plan is created to weigh in on the final agreement.

After the conference, the referring agency receives a report from the facilitator and monitors results until restitution is complete, the final report is written, and the case is closed. This does not mean the offender automatically is free; he or she may still have other punishment, such as probation or jail time that must be completed.

This model is particularly useful when addressing youth crime and child welfare. The direct victims may elect to participate in a number of ways other than meeting in person—i ncluding sending a representative to meet on their behalf.
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In Family Group Conferencing, participants may extend to youth advocates, social workers, caregivers, law enforcement representatives, and in some cases, extended family. Focus on the seven goals and seven principles that guide Family Group Conferencing, and consider the incentives and drawbacks source having more members of a community involved in the discussion. Think about the outcomes of a Restorative Justice Model Family Group Conference. Focus on critical issues in Victim Offender Conferencing as well as the benefits and risks of following such a process for direct victims, offenders, and communities.
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Note how a crime of severe violence alters these risks and benefits. Think about the risks and benefits for the victim, offender, and community associated with each model. Explain stakeholder benefits and possible risks associated with both models.
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