Pros And Cons Of Gmo - Custom Academic Help

Pros And Cons Of Gmo - remarkable

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Pros And Cons Of Gmo - absolutely not

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Pros And Cons Of Gmo Video

GMOs Pros and Cons - genetically modified organism - genetically engineered DNA - modified foods

Toxicity 1. When an organism is genetically modified by humans, this changes the expression level of natural components of that organism, which may make allergies worse.

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A scientific review published in in the journal Food Science and Human Wellness provides a perfect illustration of this scenario: One example is the production of soybeans enriched in the amino acid methionine. The enhanced synthesis of this amino acid is the result of a gene isolated from Brazil here. As a consequence, some consumers allergenically sensitized to these nuts have Ans reactions to the transgenic soybean. Blood tests Pros And Cons Of Gmo 39 of the victims exhibited an antibody response to Bt-toxin. Furthermore, these same unwanted symptoms showed up in in at least four additional villages that had planted the same variety of GM corn. Some villagers also credited the corn to several animal deaths.

The concern is that these antibiotic-resistant genes could be transferred to human gut bacteria and decrease the effectiveness of antimicrobial therapy and hence increase antibiotic resistance.

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It also found that the rats developed tumors when glyphosate Roundupthe herbicide used with GM corn, was added to their drinking Ov. Female subjects developed large mammary tumors more frequently and before the control group. Meanwhile, males experienced four times more large palpable tumors starting days earlier than in the control group, in which only one tumor was noted.

Pros And Cons Of Gmo

According to the study, the tumors were both cancerous and non-cancerous. The non-cancerous tumors were near as concerning or potentially devastating to health since they could cause the animals internal hemorrhaging, compression, and obstruction of function of vital organs as well as the release of harmful toxins.

Pros And Cons Of Gmo

Loss of Nutrition According to Jonathan R. Some research reports increased levels of antinutrient compounds and lower levels of desirable nutrients in certain GMO crops compared Cond conventional crops. Jeffrey M. Overall, the survey results associated with improved state health after avoiding genetically modified foods. Toxicity The Center for Food Safety sums up this concern so well: 11 Genetically engineered foods are inherently unstable.

Pros And Cons Of Gmo

Each genetic insertion Pros And Cons Of Gmo the added possibility that formerly nontoxic elements in the food could become toxic. The Potential Risks of GMOs Based On Animal Research The Institute for Responsible Technology IRT has also put together a list of observed effects of GMOs on animals: 20 Rats were fed potatoes engineered to produce their Ad insecticide developed potentially precancerous cell growth in the digestive tract, inhibited development of their brains, livers and testicles, partial atrophy of the liver, enlarged pancreases and intestines and immune system damage.

Seven out of 20 rats fed the GM FlavrSavr tomato for 28 days developed stomach lesions bleeding stomachs ; another 7 of 40 died within two weeks and were replaced learn more here the Mice fed GM Bt potatoes experienced intestinal damage. A quarter of sheep died after grazing in GM Bt cotton fields for a week. Over 20 farmers in North America report pigs and cows became sterile from GM corn. Twelve dairy cows died on a farm in Germany after being fed a diet with significant amounts of a single GM corn variety, Bt The liver cells of mice fed Roundup Ready soybeans showed Conns changes.

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Mice fed Roundup Ready soy had click changes in testicular cells. Rabbits fed GM soy for about 40 days showed significant differences in the amounts of certain enzymes in their kidneys, hearts, and livers. Rats fed Roundup Con canola had heavier livers.

GM peas generated an allergic-type inflammatory response in mice.]

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