Violence In The Aeneid - Custom Academic Help

Violence In The Aeneid - can, too

Throughout the course of Western history, the Aeneid has affirmed our best and worst intentions and forced us to confront our deepest contradictions. Even as Vergil writes the foundation myth for Rome, he seems to comment on this tendency to mythologize our heroes and societies, and to gesture to the stories that get lost in the mythmaking.

Violence In The Aeneid Video

Violence In The Aeneid Violence In The Aeneid

Scared wide-awake, he hides behind a giant wine-jar.

Violence In The Aeneid

Terror, bloodshed and a filthy mess at the end: this is exactly what the original is depicting, and Krisak reproduces it well. For similar effects look at the version of 2. Yet now we were laid low.

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One final sample to illustrate the strength of this translation. Look at the programmatic words of Anchises at 6. Seven lines of Latin become seven lines of English and the meaning and the feeling of the Latin are there in abundance.

Violence In The Aeneid

The book has one map of the journeys of Aeneas and also a brisk and enthusiastic introduction by Christopher M. McDonough, setting the poem in its context and giving us hints of the back-story and the reception of this text. At the end of the book there is a good set of notes also by McDonoughpicking up names and issues which readers new to the poem will need help to understand and also pointing out intertextual resonances in the poem without specific line-references to Violence In The Aeneid comparanda. There is also Violencd page glossary of important names and those Latin words which Krisak leaves, and here I found a minute number of infelicities: at 6.


There are odd anachronisms in the translation: at 6. In many ways this version would make a good audio book, but the decision to leave some Latin words untranslated breaks the flow of the verse by requiring the reader to consult the glossary.

Violence In The Aeneid

These few criticisms of detailed points have to be read in a context of glowing admiration for the overall achievement of this translation. Krisak has been translating Latin and German verse into English verse for some time and has won prizes for doing Viplence. His collection Even as we Speak has a title that identifies the quality which explains the success of this volume under review: ancient Latin epic is turned into the sort of language which all speakers of current English can understand, can enjoy and can admire.

Good writers make it look and sound Violence In The Aeneid very good translators make their work sound as if it had been written in English in the first place.]

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