Why Do We Celebrate Columbus Day - pinsoftek.com Custom Academic Help

Why Do We Celebrate Columbus Day Why Do We Celebrate Columbus Day

But after backlash over what the day honors, some places opted to dedicate the start of the week to National Indigenous Peoples' Day, instead. Columbus Day officially became a national holiday inalthough various areas of the country held unofficial celebrations more than a century earlier. The holiday is meant to commemorate Columbus' landing in the Americas in Previously celebrated on October 12 each year, the holiday was moved to the second Monday of October when the Uniform Holiday Act was enacted in For some people, Columbus day isn't just about celebrating his arrival in America. It's also about honoring Italian-American heritage as a whole.

Why Do We Celebrate Columbus Day

In the eighty-some years since Columbus Day became an official holiday, the day has generated a fair amount of backlash. Critics of the holiday argue that it ignores the fact that Columbus was not the first to discover America, as well as the atrocities settlers committed against indigenous people. Although Columbus Day remains a national holiday, given the criticism surrounding the day, some states and http://pinsoftek.com/wp-content/custom/life-in-hell/argumentative-essay-on-chronic-pain.php have opted to celebrate Indigenous Peoples' Day instead. The holiday celebrates Native American people, their histories and cultures.]

Why Do We Celebrate Columbus Day

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