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How Men Attract Women Essay

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How To \ How Men Attract Women Essay

Hire Writer In the film we are presented with four main characters; the older male Walt Kowalski who is a strong and dominant man; the young male Thao Vang Lor, How Men Attract Women Essay submissive, feeble man; the older woman Grandmother Phong, the matriarchal leader of the Lor family; and Sue Lor, a free-spirited young woman with the courage and will to stand against the aggressive gang culture around her. Eastwood constructs his female characters to embody ideas of social independence and leadership, which challenges traditional values about women in society.

Sue Lor and Grandmother Phong, stand up for themselves against their male counterparts in the film when they try to assert their dominance.

How Men Attract Women Essay

This can be seen in the scene where Walt confronts Grandmother Phong, attempting to emphasise his dominance by spitting, traditionally a habit here with strong men. Grandmother Phong is the head of the Lor family and the female equivalent of Walt, as Walt is the head of How Men Attract Women Essay family.

Smokie: Hey, Sue… how old are you, girl? This female independence shown goes against the traditional representation of women as weak and submissive characters that should always follow the orders of men. Female dominance is also seen when Sue is on the streets and is surrounded and threatened by three men. Instead of submitting, Sue fights verbally back at the three attackers, insulting their masculinity and provoking their anger.

How Men Attract Women Essay

Sue: Great, another asshole with a fetish for Asian girls. God, it gets so old. Sue: My name?

How Men Attract Women Essay

This portrayal of women as fighters who can hold themselves against men and are considered to be equal is prevalent in the film, and the idea of strong women challenges a traditional societal view that woman should be submissive to men and that men are the stronger sex who should be the protectors. In both scenarios, Sue is singled out, because of her attitude towards abusive men or her connections to Thao, and is assaulted, verbally and physically, by the gangs. The assault of such a strong woman How Men Attract Women Essay Sue, by a gang of males, shows to the audience the idea that woman is physically vulnerable and need to be protected, as they cannot do it themselves.

The assault of Sue intends to show the audience that no matter how emotionally strong a woman is, men, can always use physical strength to dominate, therefore acknowledging the notion that women are weak and in need of protection. Men, such as Walt Kowalski, are represented in the film as aggressive, judgmental, crude, forceful characters who dominate; How Men Attract Women Essay are strong leaders who are needed to protect the society they live in. They are presented as essential to society as the women and those with women like qualities and too weak and cannot protect themselves.


This is seen when Sue is being assaulted by both the African American and Hmong gang members. Walt, who holds racial prejudice towards Sue How Men Attract Women Essay her family, drives by and rescues Sue from the verbal assault from the African American gang, rescuing her from a dangerous situation that she could not have escaped from herself. The scene after the birth ritual of the family, when Grandmother Phong is discussing how her daughter should remarry, addresses the idea of men who do not possess strength. Being a second wife is better than having a woman be the head of the household. Man: What about Thao?

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Phong: What about him? Look at him in the kitchen, washing dishes like a woman. Even his sister gives him orders and he obeys. This How Men Attract Women Essay the idea that a strong male leader is needed for families to be successful, and it also reaffirms societal views of males. We can see that male characters in the film are represented as both strong, manly leaders of society, such as Walt, and weak, submissive individuals such as Thao, and therefore both reinforce and challenge traditional expectations of men by society.

We also see the two younger characters of Thao and Sue display gender roles that encompass both typically male and female characteristics.

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