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Abstract Background Aripiprazole is a third-generation atypical antipsychotic drug that acts as a stabilizer of the dopaminergic and serotonergic system. As partial agonist of the dopamine D2 and serotonin 5-HT1A receptors, it appears to be effective in reducing mania in patients with bipolar disorder, tics in Tourette Syndrome, aggression in schizophrenia and autism spectrum disorder. Enuresis has been reported among its side effects. Only a few studies, with conflicting results, have investigated the relationship between aripiprazole and enuresis. Case presentation We report the disappearance of enuresis in a Caucasian girl with intellectual disability and oppositional defiant disorder and in a Caucasian boy with intellectual disability and early-onset psychosis, both following initiation of treatment with aripiprazole. Conclusion The aim of this study was to contribute to the literature on the use of aripripazole in subjects with enuresis. Our findings lead us to suggest that aripiprazole is less burdened with side effects, including bedwetting, than other antipsychotic drugs. Peer Review reports Background Aripiprazole is a third-generation atypical antipsychotic drug that stabilizes the dopaminergic and serotonergic systems. Aripiprazole is effective in reducing mania in bipolar disorder, tics in Tourette Syndrome, aggression in schizophrenia and spectrum autism disorder.

Nocturnal Enuresis Case Study Video

Medically Speaking: Enuresis (Nighttime Bedwetting), Jacqueline Guarino Broda, PA-C Nocturnal Enuresis Case Study. Nocturnal Enuresis Case Study

This study aimed to explore the impact of obesity on LUTSs among children and adolescents through a large-scale community-based study. The exclusion criteria were a history of congenital genitourinary tract anomalies, neurological anomalies, or a presence of urinary tract infection. After providing informed consent the participant completed a questionnaire, which included their baseline characteristics and dysfunctional voiding symptom score DVSS ; a completed the questionnaire with the younger children. Urgency and daytime incontinence Nocturnal Enuresis Case Study defined as having positive statement for DVSS questions 7 and 1, respectively.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea At School Aged Children Presented With Nocturnal Enuresis

Multivariate regression analysis was used to evaluate the predictors of urgency, daytime incontinence and enuresis. Results: A total of 2, participants were enrolled in the study, and 1, were ultimately eligible for analysis. The prevalence of urgency, daytime incontinence, constipation, and enuresis were Conclusion: Obesity was significantly associated with urgency but it was not significantly associated with daytime incontinence and enuresis in community dwelling children and adolescents. Introduction Obesity has become a major public health issue in the modern era and its prevalence has increased several fold Nocturnal Enuresis Case Study the past few decades 12.

Nocturnal Enuresis Case Study

Obese children are known to have an increased risk of fracture and are at higher risk of having adulthood obesity, premature death, hypertension, early markers of Nocturnal Enuresis Case Study disease, insulin resistance, and psychological effects 3. Obesity is also associated with bladder dysfunction. The underlying pathophysiology of how obesity contribute to lower urinary tract dysfunction and symptoms has not yet been clarified. Obesity has been previously shown to be associated with lower urinary tract symptoms LUTSs in adulthood 4 — 6. According to a previous study by the authors that included children aged 8. However, data regarding the prevalence of LUTSs in adolescents and their association with obesity remains scarce.

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Therefore, the current link included more adolescents and children to further illustrate the prevalence of LUTS in children and adolescents aged 5 to 15 years old, and to investigate the potential association between obesity and LUTSs. Informed consent was obtained from all Enuresls when they were enrolled into the study.

Nocturnal Enuresis Case Study

Between July and Aprilstudents from the elementary schools and junior high schools in Xin-Dian District, New Taipei City were invited to participate in this study. Individuals were excluded from the study if they had Noctyrnal genitourinary tract anomalies, neurological Nocturnal Enuresis Case Study, or a history of urinary tract infection. The participants took urinary dipsticks tests when they were enrolled into the study and if they had a positive leukocyte esterase or nitrites result on the Enkresis, they were also excluded from the analysis. In summary, the inclusion criteria of our study were 1 aging 5—15 years old, and 2 receiving at least one uroflowmetry test. The exclusion criteria of the study were 1 congenital genitourinary tract anomalies, 2 neurologic anomalies, 3 recurrent or active urinary tract infection, and 4 incomplete answer of the questionnaire.

Definition Body mass index BMI is Nocturnal Enuresis Case Study as the individual's weight kg divided by the square of their height m2.

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The participants were divided into normal weight, overweight, and obese group as determined by the definition given in the Children and Adolescents Growth References, Department of Health, Executive Yuan, Republic of China, published in June The participants were considered as overweight if their BMI was between the 85th and 95th percentile on gender- and age-specific nomograms. If the participants BMI was over the 95th percentile on gender- and age-specific nomograms, they were considered as obese. Junior high school adolescents completed the questionnaire by themselves. The body height and weight of the click the following article Nocturnal Enuresis Case Study measured at health check-up of semester and reported by parents or the participants themselves.

Of the 2, participants invited to join our study, 1, The DVSS has 10 sections, including seven questions about LUTSs daytime incontinence, amount of incontinence, infrequent voiding, curtsying, urgency, push to void, and dysuriatwo questions about bowel movement low defecation frequency and difficult defecationand one question about stressful events new home, new baby, new school problem, abuse, accidents, home problem, or another special event in the past month. The symptoms were scored on a scale of 0—3 0, almost never; 1, less than half of the time; 2, about half of the time; and 3, almost every time. We defined urgency and daytime incontinence as a symptom score of 1, or more than 1, respectively. Defecation conditions and stool form were assessed using the Bristol Stool Form Scale 8. If the answer was type 1 or type 2, the children and adolescents were categorized as Nocturnal Enuresis Case Study constipation.]

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