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Cure For Capitalism: The Cure Of Socialism

Cure For Capitalism: The Cure Of Socialism Video

Forum: COVID-19, Capitalism Kills, Socialism is the Cure

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Mr Farias had written in a book, The Nazis in Chile, about Allende 's unwillingness to extradite a Nazi war crime suspect, Walter Rauff , in the early s. Mr Farias, who teaches at the Latin American Institute of Berlin's Free University, said: "I thought I would look at what he had done, and looked at his writings, and this dissertation came up. Eventually at the university I came across a mountain of old doctoral theses covered in dust. Like I miracle I found his and it was pages long. This would make the person heterosexual. Then he writes about different races, and their predeliction for certain crimes, he says Jews are genetically programmed to commit fraud, theft and usury. This is pure Nazi theory, that he says it was genetic. As for Chileans, Mr Farias said the dissertation quoted a theory that the Spaniards' year fight to colonise Chile had weeded out the weak from both Spanish and native Indian populations, leaving the proud Chileans with the best from both races. Cure For Capitalism: The Cure Of Socialism.

And American officials appear to have a virulent case with respect to Ukraine.

Cure For Capitalism: The Cure Of Socialism

The United States has no treaty obligation whatsoever to defend Ukraine from an adversary. Even though George W. And since Ukraine was part of the Soviet Union before the dissolution of that country at the end ofno serious American previously ever regarded Ukraine as a relevant, much less a crucial, U. The Trump administration approved multiple weapons sales to Kiev and trained Ukrainian troops—a policy the Biden administration is intensifying. Worse, the Biden foreign policy team is engaging in saber rattling, strongly indicating that the United States is even willing to go to war to back Ukraine in its ongoing confrontation with Russia.

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Ever more blatant manifestations of sycophantic clientitis on the part of U. A new incident appears to be truly shocking. Veteran international affairs reporter Martin Sieff relates that the defense attache at the U. That was questionable enough behavior, but photos of the visit indicated that she wore a Ukrainian military insignia on her uniform—something that is utterly improper for a U. That much became apparent during House committee hearings on the first effort to impeach President Donald Trump for allegedly soliciting an illegal quid pro quo.

Cure For Capitalism: The Cure Of Socialism

William Taylor, who served as the interim U. The relationship between the United States and Ukraine is key to our national security…. He was born in Ukraine, and his family had left the Soviet Union four decades earlier.

Cure For Capitalism: The Cure Of Socialism

Such clientitis is profoundly dangerous for the United States. Officials afflicted with the condition are alarmingly willing to entangle their country in a war that could escalate to a nuclear holocaust.

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Incredibly, they are willing to do so on behalf of another country that has little intrinsic importance to the United States. It is irresponsible behavior, and policymakers who succumb to clientitis need to be removed from their posts. Ted Galen Carpenter, a senior fellow in security studies at the Cato Institute and a contributing editor at The American Conservative, is the author of 12 books and more than articles on international affairs.]

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