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The Titanic Film: The Death Of The Titanic

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Documentary highlights Chinese Titanic survivors barred from U. And experts say that a century later, the survivors' story continues to be chillingly relevant. Executive-produced by "Titanic" director James Cameron, the documentary, titled "The Six," revolves around the six passengers who were barred entry into the U. Steven Schwankert, the film's lead researcher, said the message remains relevant. The horrendous events that we saw in Atlanta really just highlight that the issues that six Chinese passengers on the Titanic faced over years ago are still issues in the United States today," Schwankert said. But the same kind of misunderstanding and, unfortunately, the same kind of hostility still exists today. While some press reports painted the six survivors as stowaways, they were actually professional mariners who were headed to their next jobs, Schwankert said. Not only were they inaccurately described as stowaways; they were also accused of wedging themselves under the seats and disguising themselves in women's clothing, among other false stories, he said. Story continues In many ways, he said, the Chinese passengers were targets of grief and anger because they survived. The Titanic Film: The Death Of The Titanic

The Titanic Film: The Death Of The Titanic Video

Death Scene - Titanic - Jack's Death Scene - 720P

They recover a safe containing a drawing of a young woman wearing only the necklace dated April 14,the day the ship struck the iceberg. Ruth emphasizes that Rose's marriage will resolve their family's financial problems and allow them to retain their upper-class status.

The Titanic Film: The Death Of The Titanic

Distraught over the engagement, Rose climbs over the stern and contemplates suicide; Jack Dawson, a poor artist, intervenes and discourages her. Discovered with Jack, Rose tells a concerned Cal that she was peering over the edge and Jack saved her from falling. Cal becomes indifferent, and it is suggested to him that Jack Tltanic rewarded; he invites Jack to dine with them in first-class. Jack and Rose develop a tentative friendship, despite Cal, his valet Spicer Lovejoy, and Ruth, being wary of him.

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Te dinner, Rose secretly joins Jack at a party in third-class. Aware of Cal and Ruth's disapproval, The Titanic Film: The Death Of The Titanic rebuffs Jack's advances, but later realizes she prefers him over Cal. After rendezvousing on the bow at sunset, Rose takes Jack to her state room; at her request, Jack sketches Rose posing nude wearing Cal's engagement present, the Heart of the Ocean. They evade Lovejoy, and have sex in an automobile inside the cargo hold. O the forward deck, they witness the ship's collision with an iceberg and overhear its officers and builder discussing its seriousness. Cal discovers Jack's sketch of Rose and an insulting note from her in his safe along with the necklace. When Jack and Rose attempt to inform Cal Japanese Brazilian the collision, Cal retaliates by having Lovejoy slip the necklace into Jack's pocket, accusing him of theft.

Jack is arrested and restrained in the master-at-arms ' office. Cal puts the necklace in his own coat pocket.

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With the ship sinking, Rose flees Cal and her mother, who Titwnic boarded a lifeboat, and frees Jack. On the boat deck, Cal and Jack encourage her to board a lifeboat. While intending only to save himself, Cal claims he can ensure he and Jack get off safely. As her lifeboat lowers, Rose realizes she cannot leave Jack, and jumps back on board. Cal takes Lovejoy's pistol and chases Rose and Jack into the flooding first-class dining saloon. After using up his ammunition, he relents, and then realizes he gave his coat, and consequently the necklace, to Rose; he later boards a lifeboat by carrying a lost child. After braving several obstacles, Jack and Rose return to the boat deck.

The lifeboats have departed and passengers are falling to their deaths as the stern rises out of the water.

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The ship breaks in half, dropping the stern into the water. Jack and Rose climb onto the stern—the place where they first met—and Tye it into the ocean. He helps her onto a wooden panel buoyant enough for only one person.

He assures her that she will die an old woman, warm in her bed.

The Titanic Film: The Death Of The Titanic

Jack dies of hypothermiabut Rose is saved by a returning lifeboat. And Conflict Summary says she later heard that Cal committed suicide after losing his fortune in the Wall Street Crash of Back in the present, Lovett decides to abandon his search after hearing Rose's story.

Alone on the stern of Keldysh, Rose takes out the Heart of the Ocean, which was in her possession all along, and drops it into the sea over the wreck site. While she is seemingly asleep or has died in her bed, [8] photos on her dresser depict a life of freedom and adventure. A young Rose reunites with Jack at Titanic's Grand Staircaseapplauded by those who died on the ship.

Leonardo DiCaprio as Jack Dawson: Cameron said he needed the cast to feel they were really on the Titanic, to relive its liveliness, and "to take that energy and give it to Jack,]

The Titanic Film: The Death Of The Titanic

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