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Norman Cusick: The Scholarly Study Of Musicology

Norman Cusick: The Scholarly Study Of Musicology - are

Mais pourquoi le devrait-elle? Ce livre datait aussi de By Wilfrid Mellers », Notes, no , p. Bennett Andy , « Towards a cultural sociology of popular music », Journal of Sociology, no , p. Bosseur, p. Norman Cusick: The Scholarly Study Of Musicology

Insome youths of the village organized a music association and started to learn Bei]ing yinyue Te "Beijing music" from a monk living in the village. Over the past half century, the main goal of the Association has been to maintain this music tradition, its most important activity being the performance of music for funeral ceremonies.

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There has been great change over this period, and the Association has been struggling to keep its tradition. In order to survive, it has had to enlarge its repertoire to fit the changing society.

Norman Cusick: The Scholarly Study Of Musicology

Today, although their repertoire has been greatly expanded, with many different styles o f music added, the most important pieces are of two types: Beijing pieces learned from the monk, and popular songs adopted mainly from the media.

The present work is a study of the Beixinzhuang Music Association and its repertoire as influenced by Confucianism, the predominant traditional ideology o f China, and in terms of the fundamentals of traditional Chinese music theory. Chapter I introduces the cultural background and existing research of Beijing yinyue.

Norman Cusick: The Scholarly Study Of Musicology

Chapter II reviews Confucian belief in theory and practice. Chapter V analyzes the local repertoire and Chapter VI examines the integration of this music into the funeral rituals.

Norman Cusick: The Scholarly Study Of Musicology

A postscript attempts to explain the reasons for change in the repertoire.]

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