Community Garden Essay - Custom Academic Help

Community Garden Essay - that would

Should community colleges have to provide community gardens in order to help food compromised students? This could be changing a habit regarding health, finances, their connection to the community, etc. An example for this type of persuasive speech could be to persuade your audience to grow their own vegetables in mason jars right in their own kitchens. You could use research from the Kratsky Method and utilize the testimonies of people who have been successful in this. Think of topics that would pertain to large groups of people in the community or college students in general. Option Two: Persuade the audience to enforce a policy regarding something that interests you. For example, ask yourself a should question in order to come up with a policy. You would then provide evidence and an argument for this policy and then ask the audience to vote, sign a petition, support a bill, donate to the cause to promote this policy. If you choose this option the policy needs to impact the local community, a global cause, or college students in general. The policy cant be something that only impacts a small group of people like should college athletes get paid. Community Garden Essay.

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Block et al. The impact of a garden to kitchen program provides life skills, psycho-social well-being, improve academic performance, self-esteem, Gardej confidence Gibbs et al. Wolsey et al. Soga et al. We use these studies to guide our plan for implementing the project, focusing on both student and community participation.


Community Garden Essay Blair found that positive exposure to nature as a child leads to more environmentally active adults Blair, Some parents might feel more comfortable participating in a garden rather than in a class setting. This opens the opportunity for students to see firsthand how members of their community value their school and learning Additionally, when the community is included, they feel respected and more willing to help and support the program Fakharzadeh, Also, we need to be aware that not every student will consume what they grow; Community Garden Essay, giving students the opportunity to develop a garden can possibly expand their tastes to a wider variety of vegetables Ratcliffe et al.

A school garden provides opportunities for students with a variety of abilities and neurodevelopmental strengths to learn and this web page to the service learning project.

Students who may feel inferior to their peers academically can feel success and pride when involved with a task that does not require scoring or competitive ranking. A school Garfen project can include all students with varying backgrounds and needs. In conclusion, research indicates that school community gardens provide both short- and long-term benefits for students, parents Conmunity other members of the community through collaboration towards a mutual goal. Students are involved in the process with learning about nutrition while tasting what they have grown, parents take an active role in the education of their children, and the community in general benefits from the stronger bonds formed in developing a project that impacts everyone involved. References: Blair, D. The Journal of Environmental Education, 40 2 Block, K. Health Education and Behavior 39 4 Fakharzadeh, S. Children, Youth and Environments, 25 3 Community Garden Essay, Journal of Nutrition Education Community Garden Essay Behavior, 45 2 Health Promotion Practice, 12 136— International journal of environmental research and public Gaarden, 14 1 Journal of Education, 3 This paper was written and submitted by a fellow student Our verified experts write.]

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