Why Did Athens Lose The Peloponnesian War - pinsoftek.com Custom Academic Help

Why Did Athens Lose The Peloponnesian War - opinion you

In the first days of summer the Lacedaemonians and their allies, with two-thirds of their forces as before, invaded Attica, under the command of Archidamus, son of Zeuxidamus, King of Lacedaemon, and sat down and laid waste the country. Not many days after their arrival in Attica the plague first began to show itself among the Athenians. It was said that it had broken out in many places previously in the neighbourhood of Lemnos and elsewhere; but a pestilence of such extent and mortality was nowhere remembered. Neither were the physicians at first of any service, ignorant as they were of the proper way to treat it, but they died themselves the most thickly, as they visited the sick most often; nor did any human art succeed any better. Supplications in the temples, divinations, and so forth were found equally futile, till the overwhelming nature of the disaster at last put a stop to them altogether. Suddenly falling upon Athens, it first attacked the population in Piraeus—which was the occasion of their saying that the Peloponnesians had poisoned the reservoirs, there being as yet no wells there—and afterwards appeared in the upper city, when the deaths became much more frequent. All speculation as to its origin and its causes, if causes can be found adequate to produce so great a disturbance, I leave to other writers, whether lay or professional; for myself, I shall simply set down its nature, and explain the symptoms by which perhaps it may be recognized by the student, if it should ever break out again. This I can the better do, as I had the disease myself, and watched its operation in the case of others. That year then is admitted to have been otherwise unprecedentedly free from sickness; and such few cases as occurred all determined in this.

Why Did Athens Lose The Peloponnesian War - simply magnificent

The war was fought between the Peloponnesian League , an alliance of Greek cities led by Sparta , and the Delian League , an alliance led by Athens. Athens had the superior navy and controlled nearly all the islands in the Aegean Sea. Melos was the only significant island in the Aegean Sea that Athens did not control. This sum could have paid the wages of a trireme crew for 15 months, [17] [18] or bought metric tons of wheat, enough to feed 2, men for a year. The fleet that transported this army had 38 ships: 30 from Athens, 6 from Chios, and 2 from Lesbos. This expedition was led by the generals Cleomedes and Tisias. Why Did Athens Lose The Peloponnesian War. Why Did Athens Lose The Peloponnesian War

It is as if humanity gravitates to conflict and suffering.

How did the Peloponnesian War affect Athens?

The Iliad was one of the first great stories of war and was composed three hundred years ago. It illustrates the cause and effects of the Trojan War. After all that time we wonder why so many military schools and scholars still refer to it for a background reference to what is to know about war.

Why Did Athens Lose The Peloponnesian War

Many believe the war was glorified in this tale and others believe it was not. These wars were all recorded in early history and lasted a couple of years. The only one that was not, or is thought to be made up, is the Trojan War. The only things they can go off of are the stories and the ruins of the city of Troy. Another famous war was the Persian wars. Humans are infatuated with wondering about what comes next in the future.

The War Of The Persian War

Were people assigned a predetermined role in history, or did they have the free will of controlling what happened next? Paul Atreides, the main protagonist in Dune by Frank Herbert, has Peloponnesisn capability to see into the future on account of his dreams. Homer is assumed to have been born on the coast of Asia minor i. Another indication of Homers origins as an Ionian Greek can be adduced from his poems which show that he was familiar with the geography of that go here. Providing evidence that Homer was of the region and therefore was familiar with the history of it.

The narrative of the Trojan war. This was a story full of battles, heroes, death and victory.

Why Did Athens Lose The Peloponnesian War

The cause of this war was not one particular Grecian Identity Essay Words 7 Pages influences developed a variety of Grecian identities, as well as different interpretations of government. However, these identities were not a unified, collective identity of the people itself. The government was not representative of its people. Shifts in power and authority beset the political atmosphere of Greece. With time, however, the people of Greece began to strive toward http://pinsoftek.com/wp-content/custom/newspeak/a-career-in-forensics.php collective identity Greek Intellectual Values Words Los Pages forms of literature, philosophy, art, and the understanding of the world around them.

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While these events in Greece occurred a war broke out between Greece and Persia known as the Persian War. The war occurred in 5th century BCE and had a long lasting effect on Greece. When the Ionian Peloponnesiqn found Persian rule to be unjust they requested help from mainland Greeks.

Why Did Athens Lose The Peloponnesian War

Although when Athens sent ships to help The Odyssey Essay Words 7 Pages journeys of many heroes, no other hero had a more complex journey than Odysseus. This journey is called The Odyssey, written by Homer.]

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