Mobility In Physical Therapy - Custom Academic Help

Mobility In Physical Therapy Mobility In Physical Therapy

Geriatric[ edit ] Geriatric physical therapy covers a wide area Mobility In Physical Therapy issues Phhysical people as they go through normal adult aging but is usually focused on the older adult. There are many conditions that affect many people as they grow older and include but are not limited to the following: arthritisosteoporosiscancerAlzheimer's diseasehip and joint replacement, balance disorders, incontinenceetc. Geriatric physical therapists specialize in providing therapy for such conditions in older adults. Wound Management[ edit ] Wound Management physical therapy includes the treatment of conditions involving the skin and all its related organs. Common conditions managed include wounds and burns.

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Physical therapists may utilize surgical instruments, wound irrigations, dressings and topical agents to remove the damaged or contaminated tissue and promote tissue healing. The work done by physical therapists in the integumentary specialty do work similar to what would be done by medical doctors or nurses in the emergency room or triage.

Neurology[ edit ] Neurological physical therapy is a field focused on working Mobility In Physical Therapy individuals who have a neurological disorder or disease.

Mobility In Physical Therapy

These can include strokechronic back pain, Alzheimer's disease, Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease CMTALSbrain injury, cerebral Thearpymultiple sclerosisParkinson's diseasefacial palsy and spinal cord injury. Common impairments associated with neurologic conditions include impairments of vision, balance, ambulation, activities of daily livingmovement, muscle strength and loss of functional independence. Neurological physiotherapy is also called neurophysiotherapy or neurological rehabilitation. It is recommended for neurophysiotherapists to collaborate with psychologists when providing physical treatment of movement disorders.

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Orthopaedics[ edit ] Treatment by orthopedic physical therapists Orthopedic Mobility In Physical Therapy therapists diagnose, manage, and treat disorders and injuries of the musculoskeletal system including rehabilitation after orthopedic surgery. This speciality of physical therapy is most Mobility In Physical Therapy found in the out-patient clinical setting. Orthopedic therapists are trained in the treatment of post-operative orthopedic procedures, fractures, acute sports injuries, arthritis, Craziness In The Crucible, strains, back and neck pain, spinal conditions, and amputations. Pediatrics[ edit ] Pediatric physical therapy assists in early detection of health problems and uses a variety of modalities to provide Mobiliyt therapy for disorders in the pediatric population.

Sports[ edit ] Physical therapists are closely involved in the care and wellbeing of athletes including recreational, semi-professional paid and professional full-time employment participants. This area of practice encompasses athletic injury management under 5 main categories: acute care — assessment and diagnosis of an initial injury; treatment — Thearpy of specialist advice and techniques to encourage healing; rehabilitation — progressive management for full return to sport ; prevention — identification and address of deficiencies known to directly result in, or act as precursors to injury, such as movement assessment education — sharing of specialist knowledge to individual athletes, teams or clubs to assist in prevention or management of injury Physical therapists who work for professional sport teams often have a specialized sports certification issued through their national registering organisation.

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Most Physical therapists who practice in a sporting environment are also active in collaborative sports medicine programs too See also: athletic trainers. Women's health[ edit ] Women's health or pelvic floor physical therapy mostly addresses women's issues related to the female reproductive system, child birth, and post-partum.

These conditions include lymphedema, osteoporosis, pelvic pain, prenatal and post-partum periods, and urinary incontinence. It also addresses incontinence, pelvic pain, and other disorders associated with pelvic floor dysfunction.

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Physical therapy for both groups of patients is now recognized as Mobility In Physical Therapy essential part of the clinical pathway, as early diagnoses and new treatments are enabling patients to live longer. Physical therapist—patient collaborative relationship[ edit ] A systematic review that included patients with brain injury, musculoskeletal conditions, cardiac conditions, or multiple pathologies found that the alliance between patient and therapist positively correlates with treatment outcome. Outcomes includes: ability to perform activities of daily living, manage Phyiscal, complete specific physical function tasks, depression, global assessment of physical health, treatment adherence, and treatment satisfaction.]

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