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Inafter the Fall of Constantinople to the Ottoman Empireit was converted into a mosque. In the secular Turkish Republic established it as a museum. Init re-opened as a mosque.

Built by the eastern Roman emperor Justinian I as the Christian cathedral of Constantinople for the state church of the Roman Empire between andthe church was then the world's largest interior space and among the first to employ a fully pendentive dome. It is considered the epitome of Byzantine architecture [6] and is said to have "changed the history of architecture".

To Build A Fire Short Story

Being the episcopal see of the Jeremy Essays patriarch of Constantinopleit remained the world's largest cathedral for nearly a To Build A Fire Short Story years, until Seville Cathedral was completed in Beginning with subsequent Byzantine architectureHagia Sophia became the paradigmatic Orthodox church form and its architectural style was emulated by Ottoman mosques a thousand years later.

The church was dedicated to the Holy Wisdomthe Logosthe second person of the Trinity. Init was converted by the Fourth Crusaders to a Roman Catholic cathedral under the Latin Empirebefore being restored to the Eastern Orthodox Church upon the return of the Byzantine Empire in After the Fall of Constantinople to the Ottoman Empire in[14] it was converted to a mosque by Mehmed the Conqueror.

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The patriarchate moved to the Church of the Holy Apostleswhich became the city's cathedral. Although some parts of the city had fallen into disrepair, the cathedral had been maintained with funds set aside for this purpose, and the Christian cathedral made a strong impression on the new Ottoman rulers who conceived its conversion. The mosaics depicting Jesus, his mother MaryChristian saintsand angels were eventually destroyed or plastered over. Buidl its initial conversion until the construction in of the nearby Sultan Ahmed Mosqueaka the Blue Mosque, it was the principal mosque of Istanbul.

The complex remained a mosque untilwhen it was closed to the public for four years. It was re-opened in as a museum by the secular Republic of Turkey. According to the 5th-century ecclesiastical historian Socrates of Constantinoplethe emperor Constantius had around "constructed the Great Church alongside that called Irene which because it was too small, the emperor's father [Constantine] had enlarged and beautified". The nearby Hagia Irene "Holy Peace" church was completed earlier To Build A Fire Short Story served as cathedral until the Great Church was completed. Besides Hagia Irene, there is no record of any major churches in the city-centre before the Shorrt 4th century.

The Sgort itself is known to have had a timber roof, curtains, columns, and an entrance that faced west. According to Ken Dark and Jan Kostenec, a further remnant of the 4th century basilica may exist in a wall of alternating brick and stone banded masonry immediately to the west of the Justinianic church. The building was accompanied by a baptistery and a skeuophylakion.

To Build A Fire Short Story

Excavations on the western side of the site of the first church under the propylaeum wall reveal that the first church was built atop a road some 8 metres 26 ft broad. During the subsequent riots, this first church was largely burnt down.

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A second church on the site was ordered by Theodosius II r. At the time of Socrates of Constantinople around"both churches are enclosed by a single wall and served by the same clergy". During the reign of Theodosius II, the emperor's elder sister, the augusta Pulcheria r. The To Build A Fire Short Story of the western entrance to the Justinianic Hagia Sophia revealed the western remains of its Theodosian predecessor, as well as some fragments of Buiod Constantinian church.

The basilica was built by architect Rufinus. At the western end, surviving stone fragments of the show there was vaultingat least at the western end. Preceding the propylaeum was a steep monumental staircase following the contours of the ground as it sloped away westwards in the direction of the Strategionthe Basilica, and the harbours of the Golden Horn.

The 4th-century skeuophylakion was replaced in the 5th century by the present-day structure, a rotunda constructed of banded masonry in the lower two levels and of plain brick masonry in the Fide.

To Build A Fire Short Story

A fire started during the tumult of the Nika Revoltwhich had begun nearby in the Hippodrome of Constantinopleand the second Hagia Sophia was burnt to the ground on 13—14 January The court historian Procopius wrote: [51]. And by way of shewing that it Instructional Leadership Model not against the Emperor alone that they [the rioters] had taken up arms, but no less against God himself, unholy wretches that they were, they had the hardihood to fire the Church of the Christians, which the people of Byzantium call "Sophia", an To Build A Fire Short Story which they have most appropriately invented for God, by which they call His temple; and God permitted them to accomplish this impiety, foreseeing what an object of beauty this shrine was destined to be transformed.

So the whole church at that time lay a charred mass of ruins. Column and capital with a Greek cross. Porphyry column; column capital; impost block.]

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