The Tempest Organizational Structure - Custom Academic Help

The Tempest Organizational Structure The Tempest Organizational Structure

Storm is widely regarded as one of the most powerful mutants on earth and is a veteran of countless battles.

Essay Tempest Discovery Questions

Cantrips are also eligible for this, though you could run out of sorc points quickly and can't apply this and a different metamagic such as Quicken at the same time. One compelling Organnizational option would be with Flaming Sphere; changing it to lightning damage will last for its full 1-minute duration, making a small radius that enemies can't end their turn adjacent to without incurring damage and 10' knockback, even if they make its save, since save for half still means taking some lightning damage and the knockback from Tempest.

You can direct it as a bonus action to launch at Organizzational and knock them away, making The Tempest Organizational Structure a great addition to your cantrip game for consistent control. Storm Sphere concentration grants you a bonus action lightning strike with advantage each round and a 40 foot sphere of difficult terrain, which requires double movement to get through for melee attacking enemies.

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Heart of the Storm causes extra lightning damage to nearby upon casting, and Tempest Cleric lets lightning damage carry ten feet of knock back, pushing targets back into the difficult terrain. Your standard action can be used The Tempest Organizational Structure additional movement control that doesn't take concentration, such as Frostbite cantrip subtracting ten speed, Lightning Lure to instead exploit low strength saves for 20 knock back, or Thunderwave pushing multiple foes 20 feet at once when combined with Heart of the Storm or even 30 feet when combined with Transmuted Spell metamagic.

After pushing foes, use your movement to kite foes around the storm sphere radius as needed.

The Tempest Organizational Structure

If anything ever does strike you with melee, reaction Storm's Fury will send them 30 feet back again. Against more ranged attackers and spellcasters, you can instead drop a Sleet Storm on their area, forcing them to retreat and be useless due to the obscurement or approach and be at risk.

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Also ruins concentrations to defeat their spells. The area is 80 feet across with difficult terrain and zero visibility, so it'll be another round at the very least before they can leave it. A Thunderwave can send them right back in, further limiting them.

The Tempest Organizational Structure

Your best area control is hands-down Whirlwind: you create a tornado that sucks up any object medium or smaller and any creature large or smaller, pulling them to the top of the tornado and making them restrained. You steer it around and drive it into other creatures, taking up as many as you can catch, and they all take an ongoing 10d6 for a minute.

By casting it with the Quickened The Tempest Organizational Structure, you will place it as a bonus action and push it along Organizatoinal feet as a standard action, restraining and damaging a 20'x50' line in a single turn. Your allies can range attack them with advantage or hit their disadvantaged Dex saves.]

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