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Come unto me oh my children

Come unto me oh my children Video

Come unto me oh my children Come unto me oh my children

I then got to the point where I cycled through a host of negative emotions that seemed to keep coming around to anger. The offense ate at me for days.

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My brain was imagining the next conversation I would have with this person and what I would say. I was going to give this person a piece of my mind.

Come unto me oh my children

But then, God stepped in and reminded me I was not behaving appropriately. Vengeance is His, not mine. He sees every tear I cry. He knows my pain. He endured the deepest pain of all—separation from His Son because of the sin of humankind being placed upon Him at the cross—and yet He loved with all His heart.

A time of great promise

So, I agreed with God and changed my thoughts. But then later on in the course of the day, my anger and hurt resurfaced. I battled back and forth, day after day, not being able to release the hurt. I was losing peace, productivity, and even sleep.

Come unto me oh my children

Please, help me. I needed to love this person well. I needed to do what God wanted me to do. I needed to do the right thing regardless of what the other person had done. So, I began to think and speak different thoughts.

Inspiration and Encouragement to Help You Become All That God Wants You to Be

I forgive you. I had to allow God to help me love this person with all my heart. And then came the face-to-face meeting with this person, our first encounter since the painful situation had unfolded. I held my tongue and showed love and kindness. God had brought healing to my heart! And because my heart was right with God, healing entered this particular relationship, whereas the opening of my mouth with my previous thought pattern would have utterly destroyed it. I am trying Comme live as God would have me to live.]

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