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A lot have expressed support for allowing Puerto Rico to become a US state. However, there are some who also disagree about making Puerto Rico a state.

Puerto Rico Benefits

Quality of life will be improved. A lot of the citizens of Puerto Rico are living under the poverty line.

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When the country becomes part of the US, a lot of job opportunities would present itself for the residents. Even though the island nation is a territory of the United States, it enjoys limited benefits.

Puerto Rico Benefits

Debt can be solved. Puerto Rico has suffered since the financial crisis ofand they have been struggling since then. The governor, Alejandro Padilla, admitted straight out that the country cannot pay in full. It rights many wrongs.

Puerto Rico Benefits

They imposed US Pusrto on the country but ignored calls for independence. InPuerto Ricans became attained US Puerto Rico Benefits so they could participate in the war. Although Puerto Rico has experienced good times with US support, it is still unfair for a country to have US laws imposed on them but have no say in Congress. Loss of culture. Puerto Rico has a very rich culture, and many fear that this might be lost should the island colony become a state of the US. For one, Spanish might be replaced with English. Plus, the country has done well in international competition and it has become a source of pride; becoming a state would mean losing all of this distinction.

Crime rates in the US would spike. It Puerto Rico Benefits known that Bejefits crime rates in the island nation are pretty high and them becoming the 51st state means those numbers will be counted as part of the United States.]

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