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Corruption And Poverty Essay

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Industry[ edit ] In , Malawi's manufacturing sector contributed The government's attempts to diversify the agriculture sector and move up the global value chain have been seriously constrained by poor infrastructure, an inadequately trained work force and a weak business climate. In order to help companies adopt innovative practices and technologies, the National Export Strategy adopted in affords companies greater access to the outcome of international research and better information about available technologies; it also helps companies to obtain grants to invest in such technologies from sources such as the country's Export Development Fund and the Malawi Innovation Challenge Fund. Food and beverages[ edit ] Most fruits and vegetables are exported raw, while processed food is imported mainly from South Africa. Carlsberg opened its first brewery outside of Denmark in Blantyre in The brewery also bottles Coca-Cola products under licence. A mango processing plant for the export of fruit concentrate opened in Salima in Universal Industries operates several food factories in Blantyre, where it produces sweets, crisps, biscuits, milk powder, soy products and baby food. Coffee and tea are processed by half a dozen of different companies in the regions of Thyolo , Mulanje and around Mzuzu. Corruption And Poverty Essay

Corruption in Turkey Definition of Corruption Corruption is relatively widespread in Turkey and mainly prevalent in public organizations. To understand corruption in Turkey, it is first essential to understand the meaning of the word.

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Corruption activities can occur in many forms such as bribery or embezzlement of resources. This problem is generally a complex read article, social, and economic issue that affects all nations in the world. The existence of corruption weakens democratic institutions and economic development in the places that Corruption And Poverty Essay is rampant.

Turkey is one of the countries that is affected by a significant level of corruption. This paper evaluates the types, effects, and solutions to corruption in Turkey. Bribery Bribery is an act of receiving or giving something valuable, usually financial related, in exchange for an action or some form of influence.

Embezzlement Embezzlement refers to the misuse or theft of public or entrusted funds. Political Structure of the State and Corruption Relationship The negative effects of political corruption on political institutions are undeniable.

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However, research has shifted focus on determining how these political institutions promote the occurrence of corruption. Gerring and Thacker found that the arrangement of political institutions in a country that can either promote or diminish political corruption. Effect of Bureaucratic Structures Turkey has a parliamentary republic political system with the holder of executive powers being the president and the Grand National Assembly of Turkey being responsible for the development of rules by which all political institutions are run. As a result of this system, most government institutions in Turkey are run by bureaucratic systems. It is not uncommon to have people bribe government officials to skip the excessive procedures they would click have to undergo if they ethically and honestly follow the government processes.

This ranked reduced to 78th in the Corruption And Poverty Essay by the same organization. This implies an increasing perception of Turkey as a corrupt country. With weak government control over corruption, there is likely to be increased cases of abuse of power by officials working in government organizations.

Corruption is a big constraint to economic growth and development in all the countries in which it is a problem.

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This issue affects the effectiveness of public investments, it stunts economic growth, and increases the risk of poverty in a country. Effects on Investments Corruption reduces investment inflows from both local and foreign investors. A high level of corruption in a country discourages local and foreign direct investments into public and private projects that would help grow and develop the economy of that country.

Corruption And Poverty Essay

Turkey is an example of an economy whose investments Anr reduced at a significant rate because of corruption scandals Simet et al. A comparison of foreign investment in Turkey in the last decade shows a significant decline; some of the article source periods coincide with corruption scandals that have occurred in the country. Figures from the World Bank show a significant drop in foreign direct investment since Source: World Bank The fluctuations of foreign direct investment in turkey are not entirely caused by corruption, but it plays a major role in discouraging investors from dealing with the Turkish government and Coorruption organizations Simet et al. Effects of Income Distribution and Poverty Corruption is also responsible for widening the socioeconomic disparity in Turkey. A high Corruption And Poverty Essay of corruption Corruption And Poverty Essay effective income redistribution through effective allocation of resources.

The relationship between corruption and inequality in a society is one that has been largely investigated.]

Corruption And Poverty Essay

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