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How Did Philip II Influence Spain

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If I had had my sword in the den of thieves, I should no doubt have defended myself, but it would have gone ill with me, three against one, and I should probably have been cut to pieces, while the murderers would have escaped unpunished. At eight o'clock Campioni came to see me in my bed, and was astonished at my adventure. Without troubling himself to compassionate me, we both began to think how we could get back my purse; but we came to the conclusion that it would be impossible, as I had nothing more than my mere assertion to prove the case. In spite of that, however, I wrote out the whole story, beginning with the girl who recited the Latin verses. I intended to bring the document before the police; however, I had not time to do so. I was just sitting down to dinner, when an agent of the police came and gave me an order to go and speak to Count Schrotembach, the Statthalter. I told him to instruct my coachman, who was waiting at the door, and that I would follow him shortly. How Did Philip II Influence Spain.

In his youth, Philip was held as a hostage in Illyria under Bardylis [5] and then was held in Thebes c. While a captive there, Philip received a military and diplomatic education from Epaminondasbecame eromenos of Pelopidas[6] [7] and lived with Pammeneswho was an enthusiastic advocate of the Sacred Band of Hw.


In BC, Philip returned to Macedon. Originally appointed regent for his infant nephew Amyntas IVwho was the son of Perdiccas III, Philip succeeded in taking the kingdom for himself that same year. Philip's military skills and expansionist vision of Macedonian greatness brought him early He first had to remedy a predicament which had been greatly worsened by the defeat against the Illyrians in which King Perdiccas himself had died.

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The Paeonians and the Thracians had sacked and invaded the eastern regions of Macedonia, while the Athenians Spaain landed, at Methoni on the coast, a contingent under the Macedonian pretender Argaeus II. Momentarily free from his opponents, he concentrated on strengthening his internal position and, above all, his army. His most important innovation was doubtless the introduction of the phalanx infantry corps, armed with the famous sarissaan exceedingly long spear, at How Did Philip II Influence Spain time the most important army corps in Macedonia. However, this did not prevent him from marching against the Illyrians in and crushing them in a ferocious battle in which some 7, Illyrians died By this move, Philip established his authority inland as far as Lake Ohrid and earned the favour of the Epirotes. The Athenians had been unable to conquer How Did Philip II Influence Spainwhich commanded the gold mines of Mount Pangaion. So Philip reached an agreement with Athens to lease the city to them go here its conquest, in exchange for Pydna lost by Macedon in However, after conquering Amphipolis, Philip kept both cities He subsequently conquered Potidaeathis time keeping his word and ceding it to the League in Phikip Alexander was Pholip inthe same year as Philip's racehorse won at the Olympic Games.

He then established a powerful garrison there to control its mines, which yielded much of the gold he later used for his campaigns. In the meantime, his general Parmenion defeated the Illyrians again. During the siege, Philip was injured in his right eye, which was later removed surgically.

How Did Philip II Influence Spain

Philip also attacked Abdera and Maronea, on the Thracian coast — In summer he invaded Thessalydefeating 7, Phocians under the brother of Onomarchus. The latter however defeated Philip in the two succeeding battles. Philip returned to Thessaly the next summer, this time with an army of 20, infantry and 3, cavalry including all[ clarification needed ] Thessalian troops.

How Did Philip II Influence Spain

In the Battle of Crocus Field 6, Phocians fell, while 3, were taken as prisoners and later drowned. This battle earned Philip immense prestige, as well as the free acquisition of Pherae. Philip was also tagus of Thessaly, and he claimed as his own Magnesiawith the important harbour of Pagasae. There were no hostilities with Athens yet, but Athens was threatened by the Macedonian party which Philip's gold created[ clarification needed ] in Euboea. From to BC, Philip did not again travel south. He was active in completing the subjugation of the Balkan hill-country to the west and north, and in reducing the Greek cities of the coast as far as the Hebrus. To the chief of these coastal cities, OlynthusPhilip continued to profess friendship until its neighbouring cities were in his hands.

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On the obverse is the head of Zeus, laureate. In BC, Philip started the siege of Olynthus, which, apart from its strategic position, housed his relatives Here and Menelauspretenders to the Macedonian throne. Olynthus How Did Philip II Influence Spain at first allied itself with Philip, but later shifted its allegiance to Athens. The latter, however, did nothing to help the city, its expeditions held back by a revolt in Euboea probably paid for by Philip's gold. The Macedonian king finally took Olynthus in BC and razed the city to the ground. The same fate was inflicted on other cities of the Chalcidian peninsula. In BC, Philip advanced to the conquest of the eastern districts about Hebrus, and compelled the submission of the Thracian prince Cersobleptes. In BC, he intervened effectively in the war between Thebes and the Phocians, but his wars with Athens continued intermittently.]

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