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Heroism In Mary Freres Short Story Punchkin

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Heroism In Mary Freres Short Story Punchkin Heroism In Mary Freres Short Story Punchkin

The novelist has spared no language—has minced no words—to describe the violent scenes of a violent time. It is not within our province to edit the historical side of Dumas, any more than it would be to correct the obvious errors in Dickens's Child's History of England.

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The careful, mature reader, for whom the books are intended, will recognize, and allow for, this fact. The contents of these volumes of 'Celebrated Crimes', as well as the motives which led to their inception, are unique. They are a series of stories based upon historical records, from the pen of Alexandre Dumas, pere, when he was not "the elder," nor yet the author of D'Artagnan or Monte Cristo, but was a rising young dramatist and a lion in the literary set and world of fashion. Dumas, in fact, wrote his 'Crimes Celebres' just prior to launching upon his wonderful series of historical novels, and they may therefore be considered as source books, whence he was to draw so much of that far-reaching and intimate knowledge of inner history which has perennially astonished his readers.

Heroism In Mary Freres Short Story Punchkin

The Crimes were published in Paris, inin eight volumes, comprising eighteen titles—all of which now appear in the present carefully translated text. The success of the original work was instantaneous.

Modern Jacket

Dumas laughingly said that he thought he had exhausted the subject of famous crimes, until the work was off the press, when he immediately became deluged with letters from every province in France, supplying him with material upon other deeds of violence! The subjects which he has chosen, however, are of both historic and dramatic Heroism In Mary Freres Short Story Punchkin, and they have the added value of giving the modern reader a clear picture of the state of semi-lawlessness which existed in Europe, during the middle ages. Space does not permit us to consider in detail the material Storry collected, although each title will be found Shlrt present points of special interest.

The first volume comprises the annals of the Borgias and the Cenci. Women Umuofia name of the noted and notorious Florentine family has become a synonym for intrigue and violence, and yet the Borgias have not been without stanch defenders in history]

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