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Common Law Characteristics

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Done Texas Law of Agency These real estate courses will take you through all the subjects mandated by the Texas Real Estate Commission, and include instruction in agency concepts, basic agency relationships, disclosure and duties to clients, duties and disclosures to third parties, seller agency, buyer agency, representing more than one party in a transaction, intermediary brokerage, creation and termination of agency, clarifying agency relationships, employment issues, agency, ethics and the law, deceptive trade practices and Consumer Protection Act, and implementation and presentation. Course Contents 1. Agency Concepts: Roles in Agency Relationships 3. Basic Agency Relationships: Fiduciary Duties 5. Seller Agency: Seller Agency 8. Seller Agency: Subagency 9. Intermediary Brokerage: Essentials of Intermediary Brokerage Common Law Characteristics.

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Rule of LawThe rule of law, upheld by an independent judiciary, is one of Hong Kongs greatest strengths. This refers to some of the fundamental principles of law that govern the way in which power is exercised in Hong Kong. The rule of law has several different meanings and corollaries. Its principal meaning is that the power of the Government and all of its servants shall be derived from law as expressed in legislation and the judicial decisions made by independent courts. At the heart of Hong Kong's Common Law Characteristics of government lies the principle that no one, including the Chief Executive, can do an act which would otherwise constitute a legal wrong or affect a person's liberty unless he can point to a legal justification for that action. If he cannot do so, the affected person can resort to a court which may rule that the act is invalid and of no legal effect. Compensation may be ordered in Common Law Characteristics affected person's favour.

This aspect of the rule of law is referred to as the principle of legality.

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Everyone in Hong Kong is equal before the law. Everyone has access to the justice system. The right of silence and presumption of innocence:At Common Law, such right is limited. Some statutory offenses now require the defendant to perform certain acts or else he can be found guilty for not doing so. That means that an continue reading person has the right to be Common Law Characteristics innocent until proven guilty according to law. Although innocence is presumed at Common Law, the onus of proof is on the defendant in certain offenses as enacted by statutes.

Already understood of Statutes:In the view of the existing case law and custom, the Statutes may leave a number of things unsaid. They may seems as already understood. This happened in the area of the Criminal Law as follows: Criminal Law: A man is innocent until proven guilty. France takes the opposite view. A Common Law Characteristics home is his castle.

Common Law Characteristics

Entry can only be obtained against the will of the owner by due process of law. A man cannot be convicted twice for the same offence — once he has stood trial. This applies when the offence is under the same statute. A man can only be charged and convicted with a crime known to law. A man can only be punished after conviction, and then only within the limits authorized by law. A Characteristic is entitled to be tried by his Common Law Characteristics. In Canadian law, this is only true for certain indictable offences Reno Essays which the C. The accused must be given the benefit of a reasonable doubt. Therefore, circumstantial evidence must be overwhelming. The Crown must prove Common Law Characteristics case beyond a reasonable doubt. No charge can be laid against a person for a common law offence — except for contempt of court.

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See sec. A person can only be arrested by due authority of the law. Ignorance of the law is Common Law Characteristics an excuse C. However, in some cases there may be exceptions — see main text. The accused is entitled to make a full answer in defence of a charge. In other words, a person cannot be tried while under the influence of Characteristcis or drugs and an insane person cannot be tried — see main text The accused is entitled to have counsel without delay and to be informed of the right.

Charter of Rights and Freedoms — sec. The accused cannot be compelled to incriminate him or her.]

Common Law Characteristics

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