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Tiger Essays

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Write an essay on Save Tiger - Essay Writing - English Tiger Essays

Human Effects and Involvement on Endangered and Extinct Species

It reminds us of the harsh facts behind the fiction. It also considers the relationship between inequality and violent crime. The novel Tiger Essays a sound depiction Tiger Essays post-modern ambiguities. Adiga with a tinge of black comedy deprecates greed and corruption, rampant in the Indian society. It is a story of poor village boy named Balram who becomes an entrepreneur in Bangalore after killing his rich master.

The narrator protagonist Balram exposes the injustice that pervades Indian society and foot-licking approach that seems necessary to succeed in the culture. The novel cautions that in our journey of making Indian an economic super power in 21st century we should not forget the needs Tiegr the thousands of the poor Indians who live in miserable conditions and are denied decent health care, education, or employment.

Tiger Essays

The novel draws Tiger Essays attention to the fact that the poor people, like Balram, too Essaye some aspirations- to make it in life, to become rich and to lead a comfortable life. They need to be given their legitimate needs to achieve these dreams otherwise they will resort click criminal acts, as Balram does in the novel.

This novel is the narration of a journey of protagonist Balram from rags to riches amid brutal classism, exploitation, amorality, and globalisation. Balram is compressed Tiger Essays a cruelly stratified society as a resident from dark India. This novel launches a sarcastic attack on the socio economic, political and moral codes.

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These codes form the core of human existence. The White Tiger is an exceptional fictionalized study in human inequality.

Tiger Essays

In the novel, the novelist employs a narrative which is episodic in the first half of the novel. Through flashbacks, the readers are introduced to the nameless and Tiger Essays existence of the protagonist. Adiga says that his novel challenges a lot of comfortable assumptions about Indian democracy and economies. The Novel The White Tiger brings out the major themes and major issues. Aravind Adiga not only brings out the hideous facets of class division, corruption and inequality, but the consequences to which all these issues can lead an individual and a nation. In the novel, the threat of violence emerges from the similar cause being Tiger Essays backwards and denial of basic rights.]

Tiger Essays

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