Bandura Strengths And Weaknesses - Custom Academic Help

Bandura Strengths And Weaknesses - consider

I stayed out of the sight of the children because I was curious to see how my son interacted with his peers. I stared in shock as my child called everyone over and announced their goal and discussed what they needed to do in order to get it done. He asked each child to pick a job and then kept them on task when a few started to be silly and digress by telling them the teacher said if they did not finish there would not be any playground time. I walked into the class and asked his teacher if my son was supposed to be bossing the other children around and she chuckled and told me that he is the class leader because he is a stickler for the rules and wants to ensure that everyone in his group works together. Silly me, because I did not see my son as a leader, but as being bossy and I found this shocking because this was a foreign part of his personality. It got me thinking about where he may have learned this and if it will ultimately have any impact on the type of person he will grow up to be. Supporters of psychodynamic theory believe that familial relationships and interactions that occur in childhood cause deep-rooted, subconscious emotional responses that ultimately effect behavior in adulthood. Bandura Strengths And Weaknesses Bandura Strengths And Weaknesses

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Bandura and Social Learning Theory

As they go through school, they begin to understand Weaknessex recognize the differences between themselves and their classmates. Using comparisons, children assess whether they did better or worse than their classmates in different activities. The positive and negative feeling students have about themselves is what psychologist refers to as self-esteem.

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Self-esteem as an effective act and encapsulates value or worth people attach to their own self-assessments Strengtbs the way individuals feel about their strengths and weaknesses Wool folk, According to Weareself-esteem is the degree of value a person considers for himself. Murphy and Murpy opine that, self-esteem is one of the most salient explaining factors, quality of life in those that are suffering from psychological disabilities.

Bandura Strengths And Weaknesses

Self-esteem can be high or low. High self-esteem has to do with the ability of an individual to have positive evaluation about his value or worth.

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Low self-esteem has to do with the ability of an individual to have negative evaluation about his value or worth, Roy, Campbell, Krueger, and Vohs, Kermode and Machin added that, self-esteem is relevant in Weakjesses indices of life because it helps people to have positive or negative evaluation to their own worth it enable individuals to evaluate their strengths and weaknesses and also it help an individual to aspire high in a task Sttrengths is too demanding and challenging. In school, self-esteem has both positive and negative influence on students in the sense that, students with high self-esteem may have good school adjustment while those with low self-esteem may have school adjustment problems. It is also about an individual being aware of his ability, being able to acknowledge positive and negative aspects and still feel good.

People that have high self-esteem are clear, consistent, and realistic and they behave in a way that positive, healthy and effective. Harter added that people with Bandura Strengths And Weaknesses self-esteem always accept their good qualities, they are courageous and defensive.

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They Bandura Strengths And Weaknesses more likeable and attractive; they have better relationships and make better impression on others than people with low self-esteem. People with low self-esteem find it difficult to make a decision, they are easily defenseless, they exhibit low frustration tolerance and they also learned helplessness, Hewitt The researcher has discovered in Ogoja Education Zone of Cross River State through the classroom teachers and school counselors that, some secondary school students have low self-esteem and it influencing them negatively. Students with low self-esteem may tend to participate Weaknessees class activities but because their self-esteem is low and their classroom teachers are not really mindful of these, they may not have the desire to participate in such activity.

Bandura Strengths And Weaknesses

Some of these students find it difficult to make decision, they exhibit low frustration tolerance and they do not have the ability to approach new situation in school in a positive and Strrngths manner. These problems make them to have inferiority complex, inability to answer question in the class, inability to participate in classroom activities, being depressed, being withdrawn from other activity such as not interacting with people, and not partaking in sport activities among others.]

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