Bacteriophage Essays - Custom Academic Help

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Which of the statements below are correct? O In a population of healthy and vigorously growing bacteria cells it propagates lytically. O In a population of poorly growing bacteria cells it propagates lysogenically. In the lysogenic state, the prophage genome is inactive repressed. O In the lytic phase, the phage genes for reproduction are active induced. How does bacteriophage lambda "decide" whether to enter the lytic or lysogenic cycle when it infects a bacterium and how does it execute the decision? Question There can be more than one answer. Bacteriophage Essays

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Essay Examples A Superbug is a bacterium that can live in the human body and has the ability to withstand all forms of antibiotic medication.

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Superbugs are becoming increasingly significant in modern medicine as they are becoming more and more resistant to antibiotics. This resulted in a huge movement forward in medical history and even greatened human life Bacteriophage Essays. If antibiotics are continually Bacteriophage Essays as bacteria grows exponentially more resistant to them then eventually society will fall back into an era without the readily use of antibiotics. Fortunately the superbug is not currently immune to all antibiotics as some forms of antibiotics can still treat the bacteria.

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In years to come the superbug will become increasingly hazardous to mainstream society as it grows faster than scientists can create medication for. Bacteria Bacteriophage Essays the main source for all diseases and deaths worldwide and have been on earth for billions of years, much longer than humans. Because bacteria have been around for so long it has evolved to adapt to most environments to withstand any Bacteriophage Essays organisms. Many experiments were completed to understand the full impact antibiotics had on humans and how much was needed to rid someone of disease.

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Like most environments, bacteria were able to adapt to live comfortably with the Antibiotics. They had developed a resistant by numerous ways, the most common being horizontal gene transmission. This is the passing of genetic material between bacterial cells and can be done by three different processes.

The first being Conjugation, which is the transmission of resistant genes through plasmids. Plasmids are small strands within a call which are able to replicate Bacteriophage Essays DNA of a chromosome Bacteriophage Essays carry information around the cell and to other cells. It allows the cell the ability to adapt to different environments.]

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