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Why Did Mao Zedong Win The Chinese Civil War Why Did Mao Zedong Win The Chinese Civil War

Further information: Warlord Era "The atmosphere and political mood that emerged around ," in the words of Oxford University historian Rana Mitter"are at the center of a set of ideas that has shaped China's momentous twentieth century. However, China became a fragmented nation dominated by warlordswho were more concerned with political power and regional armies than national interest.

After the death of Yuan Shikai inthe Why Did Mao Zedong Win The Chinese Civil War in Beijing focused on suppressing internal dissent and could do little to counter foreign influence and control. Confucius" in order to strengthen the new nation. The representatives of the Chinese government put forth the following requests: abolition of all privileges of foreign powers in China, such as extraterritoriality cancelling of the " Twenty-One Demands " with the Japanese government return to China of the territory and rights of Shandongwhich Japan had taken from Germany during World War I. The Western allies dominated the meeting at Versailles, and paid little heed to Chinese demands. Although the American delegation promoted Woodrow Wilson 's Fourteen Points and the ideals of self-determinationthey were unable to advance these ideals in the face of stubborn resistance by David Lloyd GeorgeClemenceau and the U.

American advocacy of self-determination at the League of Nations was attractive to Chinese intellectuals, but their failure to follow through was seen as link betrayal. Participants[ edit ] Student demonstration, including female students.

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On May 4,the May Fourth Movement, as a student patriotic movement, was initiated by a group of Chinese students protesting the contents of the Paris Peace Conference. They joined forces to strike or took to the streets to strike crudely to express their dissatisfaction with the government. Later, some advanced Why Did Mao Zedong Win The Chinese Civil War in Shanghai and Guangzhou joined the protest movement, gradually forming a wave of mass student strikes across China. Until Junethe Beijing government carried out the "June 3" arrests, arresting nearly 1, students one after another, but this did not suppress the patriotic student movement but angered the whole Chinese people, leading to a greater revolutionary storm.

Shanghai workers went on strike, and businessmen went on strike to support students' patriotic movement across the country. The Chinese working class entered the political arena through the May Fourth Movement. With the emergence of the Chinese working class, the May Fourth Movement developed to a new stage.

The center of here movement shifted from Beijing to Shanghaiand the working class replaced students as the main force of the movement. The Shanghai working class staged a strike of unprecedented scale. The growing scale of the national strike and the increasing number of its participants led to the country's paralysis of economic life and posed a serious threat to the northern warlord government. The success of the May Fourth Movement was unexpected by the foreign powers and the reactionaries at that time.

Why Did Mao Zedong Win The Chinese Civil War

The working class took the place of the students to stand up and resist. The support for this movement throughout the country reflected the enthusiasm of nationalism, which was also the foundation for the development and expansion of the May Fourth Movement step by step. As Benjamin mentioned: " Nationalism which was, of course, a dominant passion of the May Fourth experience was not so much a separate ideology as a common disposition. Days of protest[ edit ] On the morning of 4 Maystudent representatives from thirteen different local universities met in Beijing and drafted five resolutions: to oppose the granting of Shandong to the Japanese under former German concessions. Protestors dissatisfied with the Treaty of Versailles for China. Tsinghua University students burn Japanese goods.

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On the afternoon of May 4 over 4, students of Yenching UniversityPeking University and other schools marched from many points to gather in front of Tiananmen. They shouted such slogans as "struggle for the sovereignty externally, get Cninese of the national traitors at home", "do away with the Twenty-One Dud ", and "don't sign the Versailles Treaty ". They voiced their anger at the Allied betrayal of China, denounced the government's spineless inability to protect Chinese interests, and called for a boycott of Japanese products. Demonstrators insisted on the resignation of three Chinese officials they accused of being collaborators with the Japanese.

After burning the residences of these officials and beating some of their servants, student protesters were arrested, jailed, and severely beaten. The demonstrators skillfully appealed to the newspapers and sent representatives to carry the word across the country. From early June, workers and businessmen in Shanghai also went on strike as the center of the movement shifted from Beijing to Shanghai. Chancellors from thirteen universities arranged for the release of student prisoners, and Cai Yuanpei, the principal of Peking University resigned in protest.

Why Did Mao Zedong Win The Chinese Civil War

Newspapers, magazines, citizen societies, and chambers of commerce offered support for the students. http://pinsoftek.com/wp-content/custom/human-swimming/the-role-of-sustainability-in-urban-landscapes.php threatened to withhold tax payments if China's government remained obstinate. Chinese representatives in Paris refused to sign the Versailles Treaty: the May Fourth Movement won an initial victory which was primarily symbolic, since Japan for the moment retained control of the Shandong Peninsula and the islands in the Pacific.]

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