Their Eyes Were Watching God Reflection Essay - Custom Academic Help

Their Eyes Were Watching God Reflection Essay

Their Eyes Were Watching God Reflection Essay - talented phrase

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In her marriage to Jody, Janie is dominated by his power. At several points, however, it is obvious that he feels threatened by her. Why does Jody need to be in control of everyone around him?

Their Eyes Were Watching God Reflection Essay

How does Janie threaten Jody and his sense of control? Power and dominance are both main themes in the book Their Eyes Were Watching God, and Jody is the embodiment of both of these things.

Autumn creative writing

He exerts his power over the town and over Janie in ways that are political, financial and physical. The townspeople relate him to Abraham Lincoln and the emancipation of slaves.

Their Eyes Were Watching God Reflection Essay

He would rather keep her appearance in the town as a perfect lady instead of submitting to her wishes. While working in the town store, Janie is forced to keep her hair tucked away and covered. Just in the same way, Janie staying quiet at critical times in her marriage with Jody further reinforces his dominance over her. Both times she chooses to keep her mouth closed, furthering her resentment for Jody and his need of control. Jody slaps Janie during a tense dinner one night and when Janie would most like to express her anger towards, she stays silent and keeps a calm exterior.

Their Eyes Were Watching God Reflection Essay

Hearing his wife disagree with him was an catastrophic blow to his ego. He begins to humiliate her in front of the store customers and insulting her looks. After this verbal attack from his wife, he realizes his newfound lack of power that he once had.

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He believes that his reputation among the Reflfction folk is diminished when other men hear Janie talk back. He violently hits her and she fled from the store. Jody notices for the first time the amount of influence Janie has on his social standing. After the confrontation, he moves into a separate room and refuses to talk to her. As he wallows in self pity, Janie is beginning to feel free for the first time since moving to Eatonville. While power and influence are incredibly important to Jody, this begins to fall apart once Janie starts exerting power of her own. Jody cannot hold on to his power over his wife, the town and eventually over himself. His death exhibits this final loss of his power and in return, the power that Janie gained.]

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