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Searles Argument: Philosophy Of Multiculturalism

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Searles Argument: Philosophy Of Multiculturalism.

I will argue that his comments on AI being impossible to develop are incorrect.

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Searle had discussed many points but thinks too low of what makes up the intentionality he supports. John R. Searle discusses AI with several points.

Searles Argument: Philosophy Of Multiculturalism

They can be summed up into five points. The room contains a person who Multiculturalim English say code if the person knows no Chinese and is given Chinese letters and asked for a response he would not be able to respond. If he is given instructions on how to describe the letters in English he can spit out responses based on the instructions. But he is none the wiser on knowing more Chinese.

Searles Argument: Philosophy Of Multiculturalism

This experiment is his basis for his argument and I believe it has its problems to be discussed later. The 3rd point is the explanation which states that the brain does not produce intentionality by installing a program. I think this is largely because the author does not give any credit to the programs and the lack of definition on what is a program as an issue of its own.

With this said, this brings the author to the 4th point that decides that for a mechanism to create intentionality they must be Searles Argument: Philosophy Of Multiculturalism to a brain. Therefore to create Strong Ai must not be just by designing programs. The author further elaborates on the conclusion of the 5th point argument that the creation of the brain must be the brain and not something like it, for example chlorophyll against solar energy.

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Strong AI is possible and not only as human brain copy as Searle states. The cognition of human beings can also be described as intentionality is the ability to go beyond an input and response. For example when you are given 1 apple and told to eat it you will not just do it but will go on a thought pattern if and why you should eat as well Multicultuuralism why.

Searles Argument: Philosophy Of Multiculturalism

The difference is how we human brain have evolved is by learning not just a specific set of instructions but to overlay them. Factors of how many generations of efficient knowledge as well as personal experience plays a large role. For the same reason the 2nd point which is the reverse argument of why machines cannot express cognitive traits is also flawed. This means the ability is not the biggest hurdle for Strong AI but the talent of the creators to overcome. When we follow rules or programs one can call those programs senses which report overlaid information that are then exchanged with our memory archive. The robot example Searle uses a robot with a camera and claims until the organic replaces the AI. He does not note that there is a learning process for true Strong AI and that things like mobility and creating of ways to obtain information.

To say that information can only come in a way of a single path is reducing the process to a article source possible method of exchange and therefore giving bias on what AI can be Searles Argument: Philosophy Of Multiculturalism to do.

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The brain once it receives its information has to exhibit cognitive action. The Ai or Machine can too create such action if it has the appropriate tools and knowledge base. To support his 3rd point, Searle brings up objections that state that once a robot is similar to us we may not know it is a robot because it functions and acts very similarly. But what he is decisively saying is the robot is still responding to a click complex rule book and that once we knew the rulebook he loses its perceived intentionality.

We simply have very fragmented and divided programs.

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Searles Argument: Philosophy Of Multiculturalism our society we seek out physiatrists which do just that and try to understand our specific rule books. A recent experimental way to learn Chinese was to dress up the symbols based on what they mean. So instead of knowing English AI can know things, objects images and use them to learn Chinese. In fact this is how Google search engine does its image searching. While this is not an expression of AI that can be compared to Multculturalism as Philowophy shows Intentionality but not cognitive action, it does demonstrate a path of learning information and disproving the Chinese Symbol experiment as being the biggest possible accomplishment for a machine. The step at which Causal powers mentioned in 4th point is when the machine can make correlations between tree and fire and know that one can burn the other. This last bit can only be achieved if it has a memory of fire as we as toddlers are told it burns or have experienced pain from fire.]

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