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Orphan Train essay Ms Wulff The Orphan Train Essay

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In common usage, only a child who has lost both parents due to death is called an orphan. When referring to animals, only the mother's condition is usually relevant i. Various groups use different definitions to identify orphans. One legal definition used in the United States is a minor bereft through "death or disappearance of, abandonment or desertion by, or separation or loss from, both parents". In the common use, an orphan does not have any surviving parent to care for them. Orphans are relatively rare in developed countries, because most children can expect both of their parents to survive their childhood. Much higher numbers of orphans exist in war-torn nations such as Afghanistan. The American orphan Henry Darger portrayed the horrible conditions of his orphanage in his art work. Other notable orphans include entertainment greats such as Louis Armstrong , Marilyn Monroe , Babe Ruth , Ray Charles and Frances McDormand , and innumerable fictional characters in literature and comics. Wars , epidemics such as AIDS , pandemics , and poverty [14] have led to many children becoming orphans. The Orphan Train Essay

Steve Jobs was an American inventor and entrepreneur who co-founded Apple, a company well-known for changing the history of technology through its revolutionary creation of computers, iPods, iPads, and iPhones. Apple has become a recognized brand around the world and its products have won countless awards for their high-tech capabilities, conveniency, and aesthetics, making Jobs one of the most successful businessmen of today. Despite being highly respected in the business world, Jobs had a negative reputation with the public as being mercurial, dictator-like, desperate to take all the credit, yet charismatic and able to seduce employees and customers in order to get what he wanted Schlender, He persistently strove for perfection, and The Orphan Train Essay his goals were not met, he was quick to abandon his team, showing no loyalty or attachment towards his partners.

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According to this theory, newborns immediately begin developing a distinctive relationship with their mothers and this neuropsychological process, or attachment The Orphan Train Essay, continues The Orphan Train Essay guide their future relationships as the infant matures based on the scale of security developed from this initial relationship Mayer, The three main patterns of attachment observed were secure, anxious-avoidant, and anxious-resistant. The most socially desirable outcome was secure attachment, where the mother attends and responds to her baby sympathetically and the baby handles the absence of its mother better because it feels confident that she will come back and care for its needs Mayer, Anxious-avoidant attachment The Tempest Forgiveness the least desirable relationship, as the mother shows no interest in her newborn and often ignores him or her, causing the infant to have an uncertain, anxious reaction towards contact with others Mayer, The final category, anxious-resistant, demonstrates a mixture of both the previously mentioned attachment patterns.

When interacting with its mother, the infant is very cautious and skeptical towards her due to the unpredictable nature of the care she gives. This inconsistency in the mother-infant relationship can be seen between Jobs and the mother figure in his life.

The Orphan Train Essay

Jobs was born in to an unmarried couple who were unable to take care of him, so Paul and Clara Click adopted him at birth Isaacson, Throughout the court hearing, Clara Jobs neglected her newly adopted infant, explaining how for The Orphan Train Essay first six months of his life, she was too frightened to love him because she was scared his biological parents were going to take him away from her Brennan, As he grew up, Clara consistently told Jobs that his birth mother was one of the most beautiful women she had ever seen, and the idea of her beauty became an untouchable, personal triumph for him Brennan, The way Jobs idealized his birth mother can be described almost as pitiful because this vision of her meant so much to him, yet it was perfected in her absence Brennan, Jobs clung onto this fantasy so firmly because, in reality, he never had an authentic, true mother figure.

His relationship with Clara was tentative; she strived to connect with him yet was cautious about loving him.

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Despite her desperate attempts to be a nurturing and attentive mother, Clara was inconsistent and emotionally unavailable at times, demonstrating an anxious-resistant connection with Jobs. Children who have an anxious-resistant attachment often grow up to be self-critical and insecure Catlett, He The Orphan Train Essay created a false identity, calling himself Oaf Toabar and using the name to conceal his shyness and low self-esteem in order to become a fearless, invulnerable man Brennan, Chrissan described Jobs as acting like a blind man communicating between his false and real selves, distorting reality and creating his own world in his mind Brennan, Jobs made many jokes about his life being a mistake due The Orphan Train Essay a case of having the wrong identity Brennan, These beliefs, nicknames, instability of emotions, and insecurities followed Jobs into here.

The Orphan Train Essay

As adults, children who have grown up with anxious-resistant attachment continue to be extremely self-critical, often seeking reassurance from others in order to decrease their self doubt. Due to the irregular emotional availability of their parent, there is a constant fear of rejection in their relationships, driving them to act clingy, possessive, and rely on their partner for validation Catlett, Attempting to suppress their anger, their behavior tends to fluctuate between angry outbursts and pleas for forgiveness Catlett, The fluctuation of his emotions lines up with the status of his relationship with Chrissan; the more negative his mood became, The Orphan Train Essay he would act out and belittle Chrissan, creating tension and leading the couple to grow apart.

After each breakup, Jobs would always come running back to Chrissan, a true sign of an attachment problem Warren, Jobs fell prey to the vulnerabilities his adoption and parental relationship created and criticizing The Orphan Train Essay was the only way to fill this hole in him.

He wanted all eyes on him and would wipe anyone out in the process.

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He used his weaknesses from childhood to influence people throughout his life. Because he missed out on love as a child, Jobs looked to others for appreciation and attention, but when given recognition, he would take advantage of it and use it to get what he wanted.

The Orphan Train Essay

As Edsay gained more power and fame from Apple, his sense of self-entitlement grew. His infamous power-thirsty personality that makes him so well known in the business world all stemmed from his mother. The anxious-resistant attachment pattern Clara displayed towards Jobs when he was an infant was crucial to the development of his personality.]

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