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The Outsiders Story Explained The Outsiders Scene Analysis.

Hinton, S. The Outsiders.

The Outsiders Scene Analysis

New York: Puffin Books, The Outsiders Scene Analysis. The title of this book relates to the story, because Outsixers the book, Ponyboy and Johnny are "outsiders. They are thought of as Greasers just because they live on the East Side of town, and because they slick back their hair. Ponyboy's literary interests and academic accomplishments set him apart from the rest of his gang. Because his parents have died in a car accident, Ponyboy lives with his brothers Darry and Sodapop. Darry repeatedly accuses Ponyboy of lacking common sense, but Ponyboy is a reliable and observant narrator.

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Throughout the novel, Ponyboy struggles with class division, violence The Outsider Book Report Words 3 Pages The outsider essay In this essay there will be a couple characters from the book I will not mention all of them in this essay. The two groups are the soc and the greasers. Sodapop has a girlfriend named sandy The Outsiders Scene Analysis she is not mentioned very much. This book was about a gang of greasers that live in Oklahoma without their parents. Johnny flees with his best friend Ponyboy to a church outside of the city, this is when the crunch catches on fire and Johnny unfortunately is majorly injured.

The Outsiders Scene Analysis

Hinton was a fantastic novel that was popular among many teens, and it still is. The story revolves around two groups of teens: the Socs, who were the rich kids that live in the west side link the city, and the greasers, who are the tough, poorer kids that live in the east side of the city.

Outsiders Book Report

The protagonist, Ponyboy Curtis, is a greaser. In the beginning of the story, he narrates that all Socs are cruel to Ponyboy and his friends and family. Hinton wrote her first book, The Outsiders, in at the age of Before The Outsiders, she was pedestrian, but then became an eminent author; many of her books are still read today.

The Outsiders Scene Analysis

An example of this is The Outsiders, which was an assigned book for me this year, almost 50 years after it was published. The Outsiders has themes like not judging by appearances and how people from different backgrounds are treated differently by society.

Book Report on the Outsiders

It is about a boy named Ponyboy and follows Book Report : ' The Outsiders ' Words 8 Pages will always be there for The Outsiders Scene Analysis, even when times are difficult. In the novel titled The Outsiders by S. Hinton, a young, meek boy named Johnny Cade shows that he develops as a strong man who realizes that no matter how tough a time he is going through, his friends are always going to be there to support him and help him get through all of the hardships in his life. Johnny is one of the youngest character in The Outsiders. He is part of a gang of teenage boys who identify as the greasers.

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The author is Susan E. The book was one of the best sellers books it was published in and it won a lot of awards for example Analyssi New York Herald Tribune Best Teenage Books List,they made movies about it and The Outsiders Scene Analysis in schools about it, now the book is still being sold as a young adults book. Also known as S. E Hinton, best known for her young adult novels, especially The Outsiders. E Hinton highlights some of the problems Hinton endured on her path to become one of the most influential authors in America.]

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