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The Mosque Poem The Mosque Poem.

India is fighting the battle against the novel coronavirus as cases rise in drastic numbers every day.

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The shortage of resources and facilities to manage that is here a struggle and even the smallest bit of help is welcomed. And what's better than the month of Ramadan to do it," says mosque trustee Due to this shortage, we have decided to convert the mosque into COVID facility which can accommodate about 50 beds.

The Mosque Poem

ANI The civil hospital in Gujarat had a long queue of ambulances carrying coronavirus patients lined The Mosque Poem outside and in response to that, the Mosquee authorities had said that the facility was strictly adhering to due procedure and COVID protocols before admitting anyone. The country is witnessing a devastating crash in the healthcare system due to the surging COVID cases during the second wave of the pandemic.

Patients are struggling to find hospital beds, oxygen cylinders, ventilators - there is also a shortage of medicines including Remdesivir. Now, people are losing their lives not just because of COVID but also the lack of any much-needed medical attention.

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Presently, the country has more than 2 million active cases. The Conversation 0 Start a conversation, not a fire.

The Mosque Poem

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