Should Driving Age Be Raised To 18 Essay - Custom Academic Help

Should Driving Age Be Raised To 18 Essay Should Driving Age Be Raised To 18 Essay

They believe that teenagers are immature, childish, indecisive and underdeveloped.

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People feel that the driving age should be raised to twenty-one so that the society is safer and has more responsible drivers. These people are wrong because teenagers are not as irresponsible as they think. Teenagers need a chance to change others view on them as drivers and become more independent. After turning a certain age, youth do not depend on parents Raising The Drinking Age Words 2 Pages The legal drinking age should be raised to the age of Raising the age to 21 will avoid drinking and driving. Drinking and driving is one of the massive reasons why there are many car accidents and road deaths.

Every day we read and watch about the accidents either on News channels or newspapers. Unluckily, but the road accidents are the leading cause of death among teenagers. An eighteen year old is almost twice as likely to die in car accident as compared to 30 year old.

The legal driving age has long been a topic of discussion. Should Driving Age Be Raised To 18 Essay are many states that allow for teen drivers to Pros And Cons Of The Driving Age Words 4 Pages in the United States from alcohol-impaired vehicle crashes-that would mean that every fifty minutes one person died in Also at eighteen years of age, you are more likely to drink and click at this page. Various adults stereotype teenagers, when an adult is more likely to break the laws.

Should Driving Age Be Raised To 18 Essay

For example, more adults drink, which may lead to drinking and driving. The consumption of alcohol can be seen has dangerous or has a medicine. The legal drinking age should be raised due to violent crime, domestic abuse, and DUI all related to abusing alcohol. Raising the legal drinking age will decrease the amount of violent crime, domestic abuse, and DUI related deaths.

Should Driving Age Be Raised Essay

As you wait for your number to be called you notice a teenager and his parent in an exchange that brings back fond memories of your own rite of passage into the legal driving world. Each state has its own minimum age for obtaining Lowering the Legal Drinking Age to 18 Essay Words 3 Pages Lowering the Legal Raisex Age to 18 Sarah, an eighteen-year-old college freshman, walks into a convenience store and moves timidly to the back, hoping that no one she knows will see her.

Should Driving Age Be Raised To 18 Essay

Opening the refrigerator door, she pulls out a chilled case of Coors Light. Sarah nervously approaches the cashier, with her fake ID ready to be shown, and places the case of beer on the counter. Choose Responsibility, a group founded by John McCardell, proposes that upon completion of a 40 hour course to educate young people about hSould, 18, 19, and 20 year old people should be licensed to drink.

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The Amethyst Initiative, part of Choose Responsibility, is a petition to Congress to rethink the minimum legal drinking age. Several college leaders have signed this petition in the belief that lowering the minimum legal drinking age will reduce binge drinking Should 16 Year Olds Be Allowed To Change To 18 Words 2 Pages there first year of Agge. With an increase in legal driving age, teen death rates would decrease drastically.

The legal driving age should be changed fro 16 to 18, 16 year olds are not adults so they should not be allowed to have their learners permit at the age 16 and have 2 years of practice before receiving their license. The age teens are able to drive should be allowed to get their license needs to change to ]

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