Personal Narrative: Bottles - Custom Academic Help

Eventually necessary: Personal Narrative: Bottles

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Personal Narrative: Bottles.

Personal Narrative: Bottles More There really is nothing more relaxing and exhilarating than going to watch a live musical performance. Especially when the performer is going to be none other than your favorite artist. Although Bottls location where the performance is held is important, the intensity and energy of both the performer and the crowd are what really makes a concert great. The building a coat of a creamy orange complexion along as well as a maroon Spanish tilled hat.

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The building resembled to hexagonal, two story pillars connected by a rectangular building. Personal Narrative: Bottles connecting building had a huge white sign that read Ogden Theater in large maroon letters. Beneath this sign …show more content… For me, the first thing I usually notice when I enter a room Narrqtive: the scent of the room. As I entered the lobby of the venue I quickly picked up an aroma that was a concoction of many different smells but a one really stood out.

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The smell of empty beer bottles, yuck. Directly in front of the door we came in from was a merchandise stand set up for the fans. Running the merchandise shop was a very kind young man wearing Personal Narrative: Bottles black shirt. He had long blond hair that was tied into a bun and a short blond beard growing. He was scanning all of his transactions on an IPad and was speaking to every costumer whilst doing do.

Personal Narrative: Bottles

The jacket was without a doubt the purchase. It was a navy blue bomber jacket Boottles an orange interior. That not Personal Narrative: Bottles, what really made the jacket unique were the patches it had. Along the right arm of the jacket there is an American flag patch which resembles the patch an astronaut has on their spacesuit. Beneath the patch was a small zipper.

Personal Narrative: Bottles

Attached to the zipper was a red strap that read Remove before flight.]

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