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History[ edit ] The term "working memory" was coined by Miller , Galanter , and Pribram , [5] [6] and was used in the s in the context of theories that likened the mind to a computer. In , Atkinson and Shiffrin [7] used the term to describe their "short-term store". What we now call working memory was formerly referred to variously as a "short-term store" or short-term memory , primary memory, immediate memory, operant memory, and provisional memory. Most theorists today use the concept of working memory to replace or include the older concept of short-term memory, marking a stronger emphasis on the notion of manipulating information rather than mere maintenance. The earliest mention of experiments on the neural basis of working memory can be traced back to more than years ago, when Hitzig and Ferrier described ablation experiments of the prefrontal cortex PFC ; they concluded that the frontal cortex was important for cognitive rather than sensory processes. Of those, the two that have been most influential are summarized below.

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. Paired Reading Theory

Hanley Rd, Suite St. Louis, MO www. The text of this publication, or any part thereof, may not be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the publisher. This prohibition includes storage in a system or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise, except as permitted under Sections or of the United States Copyright Act. While you will find some advice for test-taking in this book, its primary focus is skills-based. Being able to apply your skills in a timely fashion is the main consideration in approaching the SAT as a test, but the skills you learn and use are broadly applicable, and Readiny help you succeed in college.

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This link takes you back to the Table of Contents. As you go through this book, another thing you may notice are various blue boxes that prompt you to see the solutions to problems or give you a walkthrough of a reading passage. If you click on these buttons, you will make the text or graphics persistent, so you can Paired Reading Theory around the page as you will.

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Paired Reading Theory

Heading up Paired Reading Theory academic profile—your grades, extracurriculars, personal statements—is one quantitative representation of your singular effort to compete against the national pool of students for a spot in a top university: your SAT score. Unlike your GPA, which you have been building throughout your link high school career, or your personal statement, which you Teory spent hours crafting one line at a time to create a literary masterpiece, the SAT is a snapshot of your academic capabilities.

You are given only a few hours to demonstrate the mental acuity you have developed over years of schooling. Before continuing, take a deep breath.

Paired Reading Theory

Yes, the SAT is a strong determinant in the evaluation of your college applications, but with proper preparation you can face the test with confidence. Learning the materials tested on the exam is only the first step to Paired Reading Theory. The following chapters will focus not only on rote knowledge but also on the application of academic principles to the question formats and presentations most common to the SAT exam. This section Reafing a breakdown of how the revised SAT is scored. This section introduces you to the details of the new Essay section. Contact Us: ]

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