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Organ Trading: The Black Market

Organ Trading: The Black Market Video

The illegal trade of buying organs on the black market - ABC News

Organ Trading: The Black Market - idea

Origin[ edit ] The Dutch pioneered several financial instruments and helped lay the foundations of the modern financial system. Among the most notable of these early futures contracts were the tulip futures that developed during the height of the Dutch Tulipmania in This contract was based on grain trading, and started a trend that saw contracts created on a number of different commodities as well as a number of futures exchanges set up in countries around the world. In this vein, the futures exchange requires both parties to put up initial cash, or a performance bond, known as the margin. Margins, sometimes set as a percentage of the value of the futures contract, must be maintained throughout the life of the contract to guarantee the agreement, as over this time the price of the contract can vary as a function of supply and demand, causing one side of the exchange to lose money at the expense of the other. To mitigate the risk of default, the product is marked to market on a daily basis where the difference between the initial agreed-upon price and the actual daily futures price is re-evaluated daily. Organ Trading: The Black Market.

Holding opposing views on the issue of nature versus nurturethey make a wager and agree to conduct an experiment—switching the lives of two people on opposite sides of the social hierarchy and observing the results.

They witness an encounter between their managing director—the well-mannered and educated Louis Winthorpe III, engaged to the Dukes' grandniece Penelope—and a poor street hustler named Billy Ray Marke Valentine is arrested at Winthorpe's insistence because of a suspected robbery attempt. The Dukes decide to use the two men for their experiment.

Organ Trading: The Black Market

He befriends Ophelia, a prostitute who helps him in exchange for a financial reward once he is exonerated. The Dukes post bail for Valentine, install him in Winthorpe's former job, and grant him use of Winthorpe's home.

Valentine becomes well versed in the business, using his street smarts to achieve success, and begins to act in a well-mannered way. During the firm's Christmas party, Winthorpe plants drugs in Valentine's desk, attempting to frame him, and brandishes a gun to escape. They plot to return Valentine to the streets, but have no intention of taking back Winthorpe. Valentine overhears the conversation and seeks out Winthorpe, who has attempted suicide by overdosing on pills.

Valentine, Ophelia, and Winthorpe's butler, Coleman, nurse him back to health and inform him of the experiment. Winthorpe and Valentine recall large payments made to Beeks by the Dukes. They realize the Dukes will obtain the report early to corner the market on frozen concentrated orange juice. On New Year's Eve, the four board Beeks' train, intending to switch the original report with a forgery that predicts low orange crop yields.

Beeks uncovers their scheme, and attempts to kill them, but is knocked unconscious by a gorilla being transported on the train.

Organ Trading: The Black Market

The four disguise Beeks with a gorilla costume and cage him with the real gorilla. The group deliver the forged report to the Dukes in Beeks' place. After sharing a kiss with Ophelia, Winthorpe travels to New York City with Valentine, carrying with them Coleman's and Ophelia's life savings to carry out their plan. On the commodities trading floorthe Dukes commit their holdings to buying frozen concentrated orange juice futures contractslegally committing themselves to here the commodity at a later date.

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Other traders follow their lead, driving the price up; Valentine and Winthorpe short-sell juice futures contracts at the inflated price. Following the broadcast of the actual crop report and its Tradign: of a normal harvest, the price of juice futures plummets. Valentine and Winthorpe buy at the lower price from everyone except the Dukes, fulfilling the contracts they had short-sold earlier and turning an immense profit. Randolph collapses holding his chest and Mortimer shouts at the others, demanding the floor be reopened in a futile plea to recoup their losses. The now-wealthy Valentine, Winthorpe, Ophelia, and Coleman vacation on a tropical beach, while Beeks and the gorilla are loaded onto more info ship bound for Africa.

Cast[ Organ Trading: The Black Market ] Ralph Bellamy in left and Don Ameche in ]

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