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Nuclear Weapon: The Manhattan Project

Nuclear Weapon: The Manhattan Project Video

World's First Atomic Bomb - Manhattan Project Documentary - Films Nuclear Weapon: The Manhattan Project

With the official formation of the Manhattan Project on August 13,the headquarters were located at Broadway in Manhattan thus the name Manhattan Project came from.

Nuclear Weapon: The Manhattan Project

The research and testing laboratories were located in Los Alamos, New Mexico. Over the next 3 years scientist worked around the clock for the breakthrough they needed to end the war in Europe against the Nazis The Manhattan Project, The final result two Atomic bombs that worked by splitting atoms in a chain reaction, the first releasing an explosion estimated to be equal to the detonation of 27 million pounds of TNT, the second equating to the detonation of 44 million pounds of TNT History.

The Manhattan Project

Take Okinawa, the most recent battle, for example, in which over 12, American andJapanese troops were killed over a period of 3 months, verses Guadalcanal, an earlier battle, where 7, American and 31, Japanese troops were killed over a period of 7 months Britannica, Due to the high rate of casualties on both sides, the American brass were seeking alternatives to an invasion of the Japanese home islands. Out of this search came the idea to use the Atom Bombs produced by the Manhattan Project since they had not been developed in time for the war in Europe.

After the dropping of the atomic bombs on Japan which ended World War II, there began a new fight, between democracy and communism starting with the January 31st Truman decision to proceed with development of a hydrogen bomb and the Korean War in The first major cases of spies in the American nuclear program came in June with the arrest, conviction, and death Nuclear Weapon: The Manhattan Project of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg for passing information to the U.

R about American nuclear development.

Nuclear Weapon: The Manhattan Project

Then on October 31st of the same year the U. Along with the extra competitions the major nuclear states signed many treaties to help protect non-nuclear states and limit where you detonate an atomic bomb to avoid hurting innocent civilians. Naturally all the treaties left an opening where if war was declared the warring nations no longer had to comply with the treaties when considering actions against an enemy nation.

Nuclear Weapon: The Manhattan Project

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