Essay On Unjust Law - Custom Academic Help

Essay On Unjust Law - what

Useful Comments: 0 Mohammad Butterscotch Why is it important to obey the law? Why do we follow the law? Laws protect our general safety, and ensure our rights as citizens against abuses by other people, by organizations, and by the government itself. We have laws to help provide for our general safety. Why do we have to obey laws explain with an example? People also obey the law because they respect authority. Another reason why people obey the law is because they feel that it is against their morals to do so. Why do citizens obey the laws of the state? Some citizens obey the laws of the state because of the fear of being sanctioned when caught. Essay On Unjust Law

Get your price An American Political philosopher by the name of John Rawls also has an idea of justice.

Why is it important to obey the law?

John tells us that there are two principles of justice. The first principle is the liberty principle; this is based upon the fact that every individual has an equal right to basic liberties such as voting.

Essay On Unjust Law

The second principle is the equality principle. This principle breaks down into fair quality of opportunity and the difference of people.

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Fair quality of opportunity explains that every person should have an equal opportunity in obtaining a job regardless of gender or ethnicity. Rawls views on justice are to create an equal opportunity for everyone to have a chance to obtain a potion and generate wealth to their advantage Theory.

Essay On Unjust Law

Nozick states that the justice in holdings consists of three topics. The first topic would be the original acquisition of holdings. This means a person is entitled to that holding if it was obtained in accordance of the principles acquisition.

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The second topic is the transfer of holdings. Nozick believes that justice depends on how the person obtained the holdings and that distributive justice not universal in understanding Distribution. Australian philosopher Peter Singer believes that the world should be ethical and fair. A way to solve this is to stop feeding animals with grains and soy beans; Singer says that this Essay On Unjust Law save enough food to end world hunger.

These countries that have hunger problems are filled with people that cannot afford to purchase food from rich countries and cannot afford improvement to their own farming systems. He states that there should be an obligation to assist these poor countries. Singer says that countries and individuals Essay On Unjust Law have enough wealth for basic life necessities and have some left over for luxuries should help assist these other countries escape from poverty Practical. Irving Kristol, a former editor for The Public Interest, states that capitalist justice is based on equality before the law, political rights, and economic opportunity.]

Essay On Unjust Law

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