Ambition In The Tragedy Of Macbeth By William Shakespeare - Custom Academic Help

Ambition In The Tragedy Of Macbeth By William Shakespeare

Ambition In The Tragedy Of Macbeth By William Shakespeare Video

Ambition in Macbeth Ambition In The Tragedy Of Macbeth By William Shakespeare

Lady Macbeth also has a part to play as she is the driving force, who plotted and urged Macbeth into committing the hideous act. Shakespeare suggests that Macbeth lacks the strength of character, but through manipulation of his ambitions, he gains the strength to carry out the act.

Ambition In The Tragedy Of Macbeth By William Shakespeare

With his inherited power Macbeth gains the access to do whatever he wants with those who oppose him. Macbeth has an idea in his head that he must follow his first impulse so he can retain his power.

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Macbeth is a classic dicator, a power hungry individual who will do anything to maintain his power. Another example of ambition is Willliam Lady Macbeth plans the murder of Duncan and continually urges Macbeth to do it in order to fulfill the prophecy and desire. Lady Macbeth puts aside her reasoning and lets her temptation run her actions.

Ambition In The Tragedy Of Macbeth By William Shakespeare

Ambition is what drives the both of them to commit such atrocities. Macbeth and Lady Macbeth wanted to be powerful so bad that they were willing to compromise their morals in order to be successful. It is initially Lady Macbeth who is most dominant in the relationship as she schemes the murder of king Source to be committed by her beloved husband, Macbeth. It is comprehensible at this point that Lady Macbeth does not agonize over the punishment her husband may receive if he perpetrates such a felony. Lady Macbeth is extremely proficient in manipulating her husband to act on king Duncan. She does this by making Macbeth feel distressed during her process of coercion. Macbeth is given prophecies throughout the play that prove his guilt and shame.

He likes the scheme of killing Duncan so he will be closer to the throne.


As the play continues, he realizes how dreadful they actually are. He is greedy and wants stability in his kingship, so he takes power into his own hands by becoming judge, jury, and executioner, as he sends assassins after Banquo and Fleance.

However, as said before, greed is a sin, and those who sin are Macbeth: Honor And Loyalty Words 4 Pages Malcolm then tests where his loyalty lies. He has a feeling that Macbeth has sent Macduff as a spy. Ajbition test him by saying that Macbeth will make a terrible King and wanted to see if Macduff would still support him even if he thought the worst of Macbeth. As Macduff was very loyal read article King Duncan he wanted to find out who was behind his murder.

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As Macduff was a friend on King Duncan he also had a suspicion that Macbeth was the one that murdered him. Banquo's Influence On Macbeth Words 4 Pages As tragic as Macbeth becomes through the play, his paranoia is also a factor that Ambition In The Tragedy Of Macbeth By William Shakespeare to his ultimate downfall, morally and physically. Macbeth, now a traitor after the assassination of the king, is paranoid of anybody who may threaten check this out position or how he attained it.

His only worry is that someone may be plotting his murder, just as he strategized the death of the former King. If there was nothing stopping Macbeth from killing Duncan and committing treason, who is to say that no one else will make the same decision, killing Macbeth? Ambition is the one of the most important themes in Macbeth. Ambition in moderation is normal, setting goals, working overtime, etc.

Ambition led Macbeth to kill Duncan and take his throne. It led Macbeth to kill his friend, Banquo, because he was suspicious of him and he feared he would be an obstacle. Then Macbeth realizes that greed is his only motivator, yet he continues to pursue the thrown.

The theme ambition plays a big role in Macbeth testing Macbeth disloyalty.]

Ambition In The Tragedy Of Macbeth By William Shakespeare

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