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Strange apologise: Sodomy law Essays

Sodomy law Essays 3 days ago · It wasn’t until that the final states repealed their sodomy laws and some still have laws against sex between same-sex couples, even though they are outdated and rarely adhered to it shows that there is still farther to go. Also, in the year a documentary called The Rejected aired on a local station in California. 10 hours ago · In her essay, “Thinking Sex: Notes for a Radical Theory of the Politics of Sexuality” from the book Deviations, Gayle Rubin mentions and interrogates multiple topics on the basis of sex. Along with her conversations of sex, she examines the history of sex and reflects how the practice of sexual behaviors has been oppressed. 3 days ago · Essay on Law. Sexual Offenders Course Work Sample. assault to commit rape, sodomy or oral copulation, sexual battery, touching intimately against will for sexual arousal and inducing sex by false misrepresentation, among others. The list of sexual offences is not this paper’s mandate, but it does give a glimpse of the diversity of what.
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Sodomy law Essays

The contention surrounded the crafting of criminal legislation that would reduce recidivism of convicted sex offenders and overly reduce sexual offence cases.

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The initial innovations resulting from the discourse were twofold. These were the sex offender laws, which made it a statutory requirement that convicted sex offenders regularly provide crucial identification information and contacts to law enforcement Sodomy law Essays, upon conclusion of their incarceration; and sex offender notification laws, the latter being complementary to the registration requirement in that the data collected from the former could be made available to the public through specific searchable online databases. This led to a proliferation of registries and notification requirements in more jurisdictions Essajs the United States. Whilst these laws SORN laws were largely state initiatives, starting with the State of California inthe federal government of the United State authorized them one way or another from the mids with the end result that they now exist in all 50 states of the US.

Soodmy, there are incongruent elements in these laws as enacted from state to state. Disparities can be found in registration requirements, what qualifies to be made public, and the definition of offences, more often in-line with other state laws. Considering that the explicit and exclusive goal of these laws is to reduce sex offender recidivism, it would be interesting to know the extent to which these laws are Sodomy law Essays just or unjust. Studies done to gauge popularity of these laws often returned high level of approval.

Sodomy law Essays

Moreover, the various ways that states define what constitutes a sex crime can attract unexpected complexity. To highlight the disparities in sexual offences let me take the state of California as a case study.

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The Penal Code of California at sections to A detailed examination of this section shows serious intent to address sex offences. On the contrary; and in view of these strong requirements under sectionsection To get a better understanding of the classification, stakeholders opt to pool sex offences more succinctly Sodomy law Essays pedophiles, incest, juvenile sex offenders, date rapes, spousal rape and statutory rape.

Sodomy law Essays

From this classification, there is a glaring disparity in the severity of the offences. This, therefore, renders the term sex offender very general that it would Sodomy law Essays unjust to treat all offenders with an equal level of disdain. Effective from 24 Septemberthe Penal Code Sodomy law Essays California Esssays Under this law, four categorizations of registered sex offenders were developed for the purpose of disclosure. Conditional Home Address Category, convictions of other designated sex offences, along with the conviction of any other registrable sex offence, require that the home address be posted, along with other information be posted. ZIP Code Category, conviction for other offences require that ZIP Code details alongside other information be given but not including the home address be posted. Undisclosed Category, these are registered sex offenders whose details may not be listed on the website.


This is an explicit demonstration that sex offenders Sodomy law Essays not similar, law enforcement agencies and the society should learn not to treat them as though the two are similar. In a study conducted to investigate the types of sexual offenders that elicited the most self-reported fear and the propensity to agree with the need for registration, participants reported the highest fear for pedophiles and the least fear for statutory rapists.

Proponents of the labeling theory also believe such similar treatment of all sex offenders have far reaching psychological effects that may perpetuate recidivism. References California Law. California Penal Code. San FransciscoCalifornia. New York: Guilford Press.]

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