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Suicide Research Paper Suicide Research Paper.

There were no significant age or gender differences among participants who had been bereaved by suicide or had previously experienced mental health difficulties or suicidal thinking themselves versus those who had not. Qualitative results The Suicide Research Paper main themes identified in the data were: 1 Emotive responses to Lived Lives, 2 Realising the reality of suicide, 3 An insight into the aftermath of a suicide death and 4 Is Lived Lives for everyone?

Within theme two, one sub-theme 2. Emotive responses to Lived Here The majority of participants used some kind of emotive adjective when describing their experience of engaging with Lived Lives. I have not cried… I cannot… it is so profoundly sad. It gave a human touch to those who died by suicide and those bereaved by suicide. It took away national statistics and replaced the numbers with a person. It shocks us to remember the person. The objects were massively important Suicide Research Paper I could relate to them in my own life. Is Lived Lives for everyone?

Suicide Research Paper

Please thread [sic] carefully! I would find it Suicide Research Paper Pape others may not. But Feelings that arise must be given time to be acknowledged, named and facilitated accordingly. How you see more it is just as important Suicide Research Paper what you do.

Discussion To the best of our knowledge, no previous study has evaluated the potential of an arts-science community model for suicide intervention, incorporating suicide-bereaved families and within a rural community where some had experienced previous suicidal thoughts. The quantitative results indicate that the vast majority of participants felt that there are potential benefits in the Lived Lives project for families bereaved by suicide and for individuals who may be struggling with mental health issues or suicidal ideation themselves. Denial is a common factor post-suicide bereavement and a coping mechanism many adapt Sudak et al. The results suggest this direct approach moves participants beyond denial to begin a journey of exploration and discussion.

For those with previous suicidal thoughts, perhaps Reearch aftermath and finality of suicide becomes only too apparent.

Suicide Research Paper

In the case of suicide bereaved families, this direct safe space seems to facilitate mourning, acceptance and catharsis. This in turn leads to the question of the different psychological processes that might be at play when experiencing and engaging with Lived Lives.

What is suicide prevention?

For people with previous suicidal thinking, witnessing the impact of a suicide death on those left behind may act as the preventative or intervention measure. This type of aversive intervention approach has been extensively used, and with some success, in other Suicide Research Paper health campaigns such as road safety e. Although those bereaved by suicide may bear an increased risk for suicide and psychiatric care themselves Pitman et al.

Being bereaved by suicide can Suicide Research Paper lead to feelings of rejection and shame in communities Pitman et al. Being able to share stories of loved ones lost, openly discuss the unanswered questions and express emotion in an inviting, open and non-judgemental safe space, created by the Lived Lives project and situated in their own community, could be the pivotal moment in starting a therapeutic process for many bereaved.

Colorado State University Military Mental Health & suicide Public Health issuePaper

Although local bereavement Suicide Research Paper were available throughout the Suicide Research Paper, they we not called upon to provide any acute intervention but provided important background consolation. However, as pointed out by some participants in their qualitative responses, what works for one person, may not work for another, which needs to be borne in mind when interpreting the potential of Lived Lives for those with mental health issues explored further in Malone et al. Similarly, stages of grief vary for suicide-bereaved families, which makes prior information and informed consent integral to engagement with Lived Lives. Many participants suggested that the Lived Lives project would be especially beneficial for young people and schools to participate in as they are a community moving through a of increased risk.

There is a growing evidence base in relation to the effectiveness of school-based suicide intervention initiatives such as the Saving Young Lives in Europe SEYLE multicentre trial, which included countries including Ireland. The SEYLE study found that suicide attempts and suicidal ideation in pupils randomly assigned to an intervention group which involved participating in a mental health programme was significantly reduced during a 12 month follow up Wasserman et al.

Feedback from these engagements suggests that young people find the experience particularly effective as they can relate to the lives of the young people featured. Many students also reported that it caused Suicide Research Paper to think about the effects of suicide on families, something which many reported they had not contemplated before visiting Lived Lives.]

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