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He was repeatedly lowered and raised onto a fire for about two hours. A professional photographer took pictures of the lynching as it unfolded.

Nguyen Tuan

During the Civil WarLiberties Essays Home Guard units sometimes lynched white Southerners whom they suspected of being Unionists or deserters. One example of this was the hanging of Methodist minister Bill Sketoe in the southern Alabama town of Newton in December A major motive for lynchings, particularly in the South, was the white society's efforts to maintain white supremacy after the emancipation of slaves following the American Civil War. It punished perceived violations of customs, later institutionalized as Jim Crow lawswhich mandated racial segregation of whites Chata blacks, and second-class status for blacks.

A paper found that more racially segregated counties were more likely to be places where whites conducted lynchings.

Paul Chaat Smith on Native American Authors

In the Deep Souththe number of lynchings was higher in areas with a concentration of blacks in an area such as a countydependent on cotton at a time of low cotton prices, rising inflation, and competition among religious groups. Whites sometimes lynched blacks for financial gain, and sometimes to establish political or economic Paul Chaat Smith on Native American Authors. These lynchings emphasized the new social order constructed under Jim Crow; whites acted together, reinforcing their collective identity along with the unequal status of blacks through these group acts of violence. In the Mississippi Deltalynchings of blacks increased beginning in the late 19th century as white planters tried to learn more here former slaves who had become landowners or sharecroppers. Lynchings had a seasonal pattern in the Mississippi Delta; they were frequent at the end of the year when sharecroppers and tenant farmers tried to settle their accounts.

In the s, African-American journalist and anti-lynching crusader Ida B. Wells conducted one of the first thorough investigations of lynching cases.

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She found that black lynching victims were accused of rape or attempted rape about one-third of the time although sexual infractions were widely cited as reasons for the crime. The most prevalent accusation was murder or attempted murder, followed by a list of infractions that included verbal and physical aggression, Americn business competition, and independence of mind among victims.

Paul Chaat Smith on Native American Authors

Lynch mob "policing" usually led to white mobs murdering persons suspected of crimes or more casual infractions. Lynchings also occurred in Western frontier areas where legal recourse was distant. In the West, cattle barons took the law into their own hands by Smitb those whom they perceived as and horse thieves.

This was also related to a political and social struggle between these classes.


A study found that lynchings occurred more frequently in proximity to elections, in particular in areas where the Democratic Party faced challenges. In unorganized territories or sparsely settled states, law enforcement was limited, often provided only by a U. Marshal who might, despite the appointment of deputies, be Smiht, or days, away by horseback. People often carried out lynchings in the Old West against accused criminals in custody. Lynching did not so much substitute for an absent legal system as constitute an alternative system dominated by a particular social class or racial group. Historian Michael J. Pfeifer writes, "Contrary to the popular understanding, early territorial lynching did not flow from an absence or distance of law enforcement but rather from the social instability of early communities and their contest for property, status, and the definition of social order.

Amreican Mexicans, there are, however, estimates of thousands of deaths that have gone undocumented and peaked in the s and s, then again in the s, most likely due to the Mexican Revolution.]

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