Archaic Homo sapiens Essays - Custom Academic Help

Archaic Homo sapiens Essays

Archaic Homo sapiens Essays - authoritative point

Updated 22 April, - Prisha Aug Homo Sapiens Creativity Genes: Our Ancient Secret Survival Weapon Print The study of the evolution of genetic networks of Homo sapiens creativity have unravelled the mystery behind the survival of the human race, and helped researchers identify the reason behind the extinction of Neanderthals. A series of genes related to Homo sapiens creativity have been identified by an international team of scientists, guided by the University of Granada that helped the researchers in differentiating Homo sapiens from the chimpanzee and Neanderthals in key ways. Hence, it appears that creativity has turned out to be the reason for the very survival of the human race. These genes linked to Homo sapiens creativity are present only in modern humans and seem to have played a significant role in our prehistoric behavioural characteristics, which included self-awareness, health and longevity, cooperativeness and creativity. These traits and social values set us apart from Neanderthals and have helped us foster resilience to disease, injury and ageing, and allowed us to more easily adapt to new environments. These scientific findings were published in the reputed journal Molecular Psychiatry Nature. The findings of the research team were part of an interdisciplinary study which involved molecular genetics, psychology, anthropology, Artificial Intelligence AI , and neuroscience. A modern human skull left compared to a Neanderthal skull. Though the Neanderthal skull is bigger it was Homo sapiens creativity genes that made us different and allowed modern humans to thrive. The most primitive network, which emerged 40 million years ago among apes and monkeys, was responsible for regulating social attachment , learning of habits, conflict resolution , and impulse regulation. Archaic Homo sapiens Essays

History[ edit ] The three footprints were found in by geologist David Roberts from the Council for Geoscience and announced at a press conference with paleoanthropologist Lee R. The location where they were found is in southwest South Africa about 60 to 70 miles about kilometres northwest of Cape Town in the West Coast National Park. They were found in a here of sandstone at the edge of Langebaan Lagoon near the Atlantic coast.

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The preserved prints were moved to the South African Museum in Cape Town for protection and a concrete replica was mounted on the shores of Langebaan. In one foot impression the big toe, ball, arch, and heel clearly are discernible.

Archaic Homo sapiens Essays

He said that the woman who made these footprints would resemble a contemporary woman. Berger said, "These footprints are traces of the earliest modern people. They eventually were buried to a depth of about 9 metres 30 ft.

Our “Secret Weapon:” Hominin Genes Linked to Creativity

The sand and accompanying crushed seashells hardened like cement into sedimentary rock and protected the footprints. There also was evidence of the use of ochreleading to the intriguing possibility that the 'Eve' ofyears ago may have been wearing the colorful powder.

Archaic Homo sapiens Essays

Happisburgh footprints — early Pleistocene fossilized hominid footprints found in a sediment layer on a beach at Happisburgh in Norfolk, England, dating to more thanyears ago, Ileret — footprints of Homo erectus found at Ileret, Northern Kenyadating to approximately 1. Laetoli footprints — a line of hominid footprints, discovered at LaetoliTanzania by Mary Leakey indating to Essay 3.]

Archaic Homo sapiens Essays

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