Informative Essay: The Seven Wonders Of The World - Custom Academic Help

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WOMEN IN THE WIFES LAMENT 1 day ago · Oct 06, custom the seven wonders of the seven wonders of the world essay 7 wonders the world. There are so many wonders of the world. The very first of the Seven Wonders of the World to be completed was the Great Pyramid, in Giza, Egypt. The announcement was made in Lisbon since it was a neutral country because no historical places was a. 1 day ago · Well this “Disneyland-lacking” world would have been a reality if it wasn’t for his brother Roy Disney, who took care all of financial side of the Walt Disney Company in its early years. After personally being a cast member at Walt Disney World, I have always been inspired to teach people about the history of the Walt Disney Company. 2 days ago · The Great Barrier Reef is constantly changing due to coral bleaching. If the people of the world are not careful they may lose one of the world’s seven natural wonders. The Great Barrier reef is the largest reef in the world.(It holds 2, reef’s total, and in some places the reef is feet thick- .
Informative Essay: The Seven Wonders Of The World Informative Essay: The Seven Wonders Of The World

Pietra duraor parchin kari, flowers.

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Muslim tradition forbids elaborate decoration of graves. Hence, the bodies of Mumtaz and Shah Here were put in a relatively plain crypt beneath the inner chamber with their faces turned right, towards Mecca. Mumtaz Mahal's cenotaph is placed at the precise centre of the inner chamber on a rectangular marble base of 1.

Both the base and casket are elaborately Te with precious and semiprecious gems. Calligraphic inscriptions on the casket identify and praise Mumtaz.

Informative Essay: The Seven Wonders Of The World

On the lid of more info casket is a raised rectangular lozenge meant to suggest Essau: writing tablet. Shah Jahan's cenotaph is beside Mumtaz's to the western side and is the only visible asymmetric element in the entire complex. His cenotaph is bigger than his wife's, but reflects the same elements: a larger casket on a slightly taller base precisely decorated with lapidary and calligraphy that identifies him.

On the lid of the casket is a traditional sculpture of a small pen box. The tomb of Shah Jahan bears a calligraphic inscription that reads; "He travelled from this world to the banquet-hall of Eternity on the night of the twenty-sixth of the month of Rajabin the year Hijri.

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The garden uses raised pathways that divide each of the four-quarters of the garden into 16 sunken parterres or flowerbeds. Halfway between the tomb and gateway in the centre of the garden is a raised marble water tank with a reflecting pool positioned on a north-south axis to reflect the image of the mausoleum. The elevated marble water tank is called al Hawd al-Kawthar in reference to the "Tank of Abundance" promised to Muhammad.

The charbagh gardena design inspired by Persian gardenswas introduced to India by Baburthe first Mughal emperor. It symbolises the four flowing rivers of Jannah Paradise and reflects the Paradise garden derived from the Persian paridaeza, meaning 'walled garden.

Informative Essay: The Seven Wonders Of The World

The Taj Mahal garden is unusual in that the main Informative Essay: The Seven Wonders Of The World, the tomb, is located at the end of the garden. With the discovery On Imperialism Argument Mahtab Bagh or "Moonlight Garden" on the other side of the Yamuna, the interpretation of the Archaeological Survey of India is that the Yamuna river itself was incorporated into the garden's design and was meant to be seen as one of the rivers of Paradise. By the end of the 19th century, the British Empire controlled more than three-fifths of India, [38] and assumed management of the Taj Mahal.

They changed the landscaping to their liking which more closely resembled the formal lawns of London. The Taj Mahal complex is bordered on three sides by crenellated red sandstone walls; the side facing the river is open. Outside the walls are several additional mausoleums, including those of Shah Jahan's other wivesand a larger tomb for Mumtaz's favourite servant. The garden-facing inner sides of the wall are fronted by columned arcadesa feature typical of Hindu temples which was later incorporated into Mughal mosques.

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The wall is interspersed with domed chattris, and small buildings that may have been viewing areas or watch towers like the Music House, which is now used as a museum. Its archways mirror the shape of the tomb's archways, and its pishtaq arches incorporate the calligraphy that decorates the tomb.

It utilises bas-relief and pietra dura inlaid decorations with floral motifs. The vaulted ceilings and walls have elaborate geometric designs like those found in the other sandstone buildings in the complex. The backs of the buildings parallel the western and eastern walls. The western building is a mosque and the Endometrium Essays is the jawab answerthought to have been constructed for architectural balance although it may have been used as a guesthouse.

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Distinctions between the two buildings include the jawab's lack of a mihrab Woners niche in a mosque's wall facing Meccaand its floors of geometric design whereas the floor of the mosque is laid with outlines of prayer rugs in black marble. The Mughal mosques of this period divide the sanctuary hall into three areas comprising a main sanctuary and slightly smaller sanctuaries on either side. At the Taj Mahal, each sanctuary opens onto an expansive vaulting dome.]

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