Conflict And Conflict Prevention Strategies - Custom Academic Help

Conflict And Conflict Prevention Strategies

Conflict And Conflict Prevention Strategies - apologise

When two or more people have to work together and combine ideas, the doorway of conflict is ever open. However, every human organization, such as the school, needs to be properly managed and directed by a well-defined leadership to ensure effective performance by the staff towards goal attainment. Topicivity, creativity and results will be greater in an institution that people show co-operative spirit in carrying out their functions or duties. Efficient organizational team-work involves teams whose activities revolve around the leadership, in terms of their operational and decision-making policies, for the achievement of their set goals Olujide, Similarly, the school as an organization operates with an appointed leadership, who defines and assigns roles to individual teachers, based on their areas of competence, all working towards the achievement of school goals and objectives. However, when one refuses to carry out his or her duties, or perform the roles assigned to him, conflict is bound to occur. Also, since in the school, people from different backgrounds and experiences are brought together, it becomes inevitable, that conflict may occur. Conflict And Conflict Prevention Strategies

Conflict And Conflict Prevention Strategies - think, that

Often, we implicitly expect each other to behave according to our ideas. However, these remain unspoken, often unconscious even for us, leading to statements such as: "Usually After all, it is not really helpful if you do not know what is expected of you, but you fall into disfavor when you are displeased. But why are expectations not expressed clearly? This is often associated with fears; ironically, the fear of conflict. Do you have a colleague or a colleague, who needs a lot of confirmation from the outside, is rather vulnerable and remarkably nice in all circumstances? How does he handle difficult situations? Sometimes the otherwise nice colleagues express themselves in a very derogatory way about absent ones, leave something to be desired in terms of reliability, or embarrass others through unfinished tasks. It is helpful to keep in mind that it is a paradox to both want to do everything right while developing a healthy, open culture of conflict. A special eye for latent or even destructive activities is certainly appropriate.

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Conflict And Conflict Prevention Strategies

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Conflict And Conflict Prevention Strategies

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