Industrial Waste Water Pollution Case Study - Custom Academic Help

Industrial Waste Water Pollution Case Study - authoritative

Poor salinity conditions of the estuary resulted in, among other things, the development of freshwater plants which served as breeding grounds for some planorbid snails which harboured the parasites that cause schistosomiasis. Among the many efforts to solve the problem is the initiation of the ongoing dredging exercise at the estuary which started in The dredging project has been ongoing for more than twenty years now, but there exist little or no document for reference purposes. The purpose of this research therefore, is to assess the extent to which the exercise has succeeded in solving the problems. It sought to describe the dredging process since this is one of its kind in the country, examine the current trends in saline water intrusion, determine the density of snail vectors of the bilharzia disease as well as assess the impacts of the dredging exercise on the socio-economic lives of people resident on islands at the estuary. These objectives were met through the conduction of in-depth interviews and field observations, the analysis of salinity data from to , the sampling of snail intermediate hosts of bilharzia at the estuary, as well as the administration of questionnaires to seek the perceptions of residents with regards to the dredging exercise. Industrial Waste Water Pollution Case Study Industrial Waste Water Pollution Case Study

Industrial Waste Water Pollution Case Study Video

A Case Study : Kim Kim River Pollution

Efficient environmental technology for water reuse of industrial wastewater DAS stands for reliability and quality.

Industrial Waste Water Pollution Case Study

Our extensive technology portfolio makes it possible to send a wide range of different types of wastewater for reprocessing and to clean it up so that it meets the relevant requirements. For instance, specific substances can be removed from wastewater so that the water can be reused in the production process fit for purpose.

However, it is also possible to treat wastewater in a centralised facility in Industrial Waste Water Pollution Case Study a way as to achieve extremely high water quality. We generally find bespoke solutions for each individual case.

And our customers benefit from the many years of project and process experience, as well as the outstanding technological know-how of our experts. Whether Dualism Examples Of processed wastewater is to be used for irrigation or fed back into production, the wastewater treatment systems supplied by DAS Environmental Expert GmbH ensure compliance with legal requirements under all circumstances. Limit values are reliably maintained and the required water quality is guaranteed. The systems from Germany are also reliable, low-maintenance and can be run with minimal expenditure and manpower.

Let's Discuss Your Project

Large portfolio for bespoke solutions Innovations are our response to the specific requirements of our customers. For instance, an increasing number of manufacturers from the high-tech industry ask us to take care of cleaning not only waste gases but also the associated wastewater. For companies where smaller quantities of wastewater need to be treated and where there is little space available, our Trickle Flow Reactor TFR tends to be ideal. However, DAS also offers water reuse solutions on a large scale and for other industries, such as the food and drinks industry and the chemical industry. Often, optimal Industrial Waste Water Pollution Case Study also results from the combination of different processes. For the treatment of wastewater that is highly contaminated with organic substances, the Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor MBBR process in particular has proven itself for industrial applications thanks to its process stability, high cleaning capacity, easy operation and low surplus sludge volumes.

Coarse and fine matter can be separated mechanically with the aid of screens and Industrial Waste Water Pollution Case Studyand oils and fats can be separated using grease traps. Matter can Happiness In Omelas be mechanically separated by filtration and sedimentation. Flotation can be used to remove dispersed or suspended matter from liquids. In this process, tiny gas bubbles are used to bind these substances and transport them to the surface where they can then be removed.

Larger solid particles can also be separated by sedimentation in the slurry tank. These physical processes are often combined with chemical wastewater treatment processes. For instance, dissolved substances e. During neutralisationthe pH value of wastewater is brought to the required value by adding acids or bases.

Where necessary, other methods can also be used to break down specific pollutant loads. For example, oxidation processes, adsorption using activated carbon and simple sand filters also form part of the portfolio.

Your contact person for all questions on water reuse:

In close consultation with the customer, the specialists at DAS Environmental Expert GmbH develop bespoke solutions that correspond to the local conditions of each individual case. Membrane technology is often essential, particularly for water reuse, due to the water quality that can be achieved. Ultrafiltration is mostly used to remove matter, macromolecules and microorganisms such as bacteria and yeast. Pollugion even higher water quality is required, reverse osmosis can be employed. This process removes all the substances that have dissolved in the water, such as salts.

Your contact person for all questions on water reuse: Water Treatment.]

Industrial Waste Water Pollution Case Study

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