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Examples Of Dualism

Essays Related To Human Memory and Computers

But you can one from professional essay writers. Print: 49 Example image Human Memory and Computers It is easy to see why people often make comparisons between our human memory and computers.

Examples Of Dualism

In fact, comparing the human memory to a computer is only the latest comparison. For years researchers and scholars have made comparisons between the human mind and whatever was the most advanced technology of the time.

Examples Of Dualism In Our Nig

In some ways those comparisons are accurate, but those comparisons can only go so far. There are many advantages and limitations to the human memory being compared to a computer. In my own life some of the advantages to this comparison are it has made it easier for me to understand how the memory works; however, there Examples Of Dualism limitations to this comparison because it does not account for human experience on the memory. Computers do not have feelings or past experiences that could affect memory. Examples Of Dualism we look at the basic functions of the brain there are comparisons to computers. Sensory memory applies to this comparison because it is the first step in the memory process. Sensory memory Exqmples often compared to typing on a computer.

Typing on a computer is the input phase.

II. Dualism vs. Monism

Sensory memory is also the input phase for our memory. Sensory memory is what we hear, see, and touch and it does not last long before it is sent to the next phase in memory. Short term memory is the second step in the memory process.

Examples Of Dualism

The short term memory only holds memory before sending them off again. Short term memory compares to a computer because if the short term memory does not send its information often then we will forget those memories. This is like a computer in that if it does Dualis, process incoming information fast enough then the computer will start to run slower. The third phase of memory is long term memory. Examples Of Dualism term memory is the storehouse of all are memories.]

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