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Indirect Characterization In A Short Story

Indirect Characterization In A Short Story Video

Indirect Characterization In A Short Story

Writing: A Support System for Life " The equipment comes with the original package. Yet it is by no means unusual equipment; I believe large numbers of people have at least some talent as writers and storytellers, and that those talents can be strengthened and sharpened.

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But, of course, not everyone is going to have sufficient interest. Stephen King, like Ray Bradbury, wrote millions of words before he was published. It takes perseverance. By the way, I'm going to talk quite a bit about Stephen King in this article because he has, more than any other writer, helped me write better.

Indirect Characterization In A Short Story

That's my goal: to be better today than I was yesterday. I'm not saying I achieve that! But it's a goal. What is writing? In order to talk about how to become a better writer one needs, I think, to say something about what writing is.

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Is there any one thing that writing is? According to Stephen King, writing is telepathy. That is, it is the sharing of thoughts and ideas. Perhaps, though, there is just what writing is for me, what writing is for you, what writing is for Stephen King, what writing is to Neil Gaiman, and so on. What is Characerization thing? Writing as manipulation.

I agree with King that writing is the sharing of thoughts and ideas with a reader, but I sometimes wonder if that goes far enough.

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Charactwrization We are communicating ideas to the reader, but with a desire to achieve a certain end. For example, when a writer creates a book of jokes, his intention is to make his readers laugh. When a writer pens a thriller, she wants her audience to be curious, apprehensive, frightened, and generally caught up in the suspense. In this view, writing has to do with the manipulation of a reader's emotions.

If one accurately communicates a certain idea or set of ideas, it is usually going to be the case that certain thoughts and emotions follow.]

Indirect Characterization In A Short Story

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